Chapter 14

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"Guys, I don't get it. What are all these things?" The map is literally a mess. Random dots and lines everywhere. I can hardly see the actual route to his hide-out. "What is this?" Donghae points at a dot in the middle of the map. "I don't even know.." I try tilting the map but it still doesn't make sense. How did he expect me to find it with this map? "Guys this is hopeless. We're never going to find this." My head still hurts and I have this strange feeling in my guts. Why is nothing cooperating.. "Let's just take our time and find out where we have to begin." I look at the map closely, and it does look a little bit familiar but I can't quite tell what it is. "Isn't this the castle just at the outskirts of town?" Jun points at a large drawn building. It does look like it..

"Aha! I know where it is! The castle is known to have a dungeon or something like that, and the X is exactly in that spot. Jun you're a genius!" I hug him and we run to the car. "Guys.. you don't have to come with me." I stop right in front of the car and turn my gaze at everyone. They look scared. And I am scared too, really. But I just want Kevin back. "No, we're coming with you. We're in this together and Kevin is part of our family." Eli is pretending to be strong, I know him. But he's scared as well. I give him a big hug and smile at him. "We're going to do this."

"I-is this it..?" I look at the castle. It looks so scary, almost haunted. The windows are cracked and there's moss in between the stones. "Where is the entrance to the dungeon though?" I look around, but there is nothing. "Can it be hidden?" We all look around but there's nothing. "We don't have to go into that castle.. right?" I look at the castle. Fear starts to build up again and I can't bear it. Why is AJ doing this to us..

"There usually are stairs that lead to the dungeon in castles." Donghae, who's addicted to movies, points out a probably right, but terrifying fact. "So we have to go in there.." We all look at each other, there are no words to describe how frightened we are right now.

But I can't wait any longer, nor can Kevin. His life is in danger. I am the first to take a step towards the castle and my baby steps turn into me running for my life, for his life. Everyone slowly gathers the courage and follows me.

The door to the castle is to our surprise already open. Eli is going in first because I'm so not good with horror places and scenes like abandoned buildings.

The inside is so much worse than the outside. Cobwebs and dust everywhere, furniture all over the place and there's no source of light. "Guys? Do any of you have a flashlight or something?" But none of us has one. Great. "Where are these dungeon stares ffs (for fucks sake).."

We stay together the whole time. I'm getting paranoid and I hear soft sounds, making me scream non-stop. I cling onto Eli and we keep searching..

"Do you guys think this is the stairs to the dungeon?" We look down the stairs, it looks like it will collapse soon though.. There are cracks in the stone and it's quite narrow. "Well, it looks like a stair which will lead to dungeons and stuff. So I guess.." Donghae goes first, checking if the steps are strong enough to carry our body weight. "Why would AJ even want to go here, it's creepy as hell."

"So what do we do now?" The stairs leads to several paths. How can we possibly know which is the right path.. "Let's just start with the middle. If he's not there we'll walk back and follow left or right." We all agree and walk towards the middle one. "Wait guys, before we walk any further." Jun stops us and squats down so he can grab something out of his backpack.

"When did you bring those?!" Jun lays several knives on the ground, all of them looking very sharp. "When we were in your house searching for the map. I thought things might get a little dangerous so I searched for good knives instead of the map. I didn't know if we would need it, but seeing this scenery and dungeon I think it might get dangerous." He hands us all a knife. I smile because he gives me one too. At least he doesn't think I'm useless.

The knife fits well in my hand, and I look at its glistening in the dark. A weird rush goes through my veins and I walk with determination through the paths.

Kevin is nowhere to be seen so we walk back to the intersection(?) and take the path to the right. "Theis dungeon is disgusting.."

The path we are walking on now is longer than we expect. There are dead-ends and empty rooms with boxes, but we didn't find Kevin..

"Hey what's that?" I squint my eyes to see what Kiseop is talking about. He points at some sort of lever/button. "Should we do it?" And before anyone can answer Eli's question I walk forward to push it. It makes a 'click' sound, but nothing changes. "Useless." I start to get grumpy. AJ is making this way too hard on us. Well, it's not that weird but still. "Guys let's rest for a little while." I lean onto a bookshelf but stumble the moment I put my weight onto it.

I can see a faint light through a gap between the bookshelf and the wall. I try the bookshelf and walk into the strange passage, following the light.

I get closer and closer and I get paralyzed when I hear a loud scream.



I hope you're liking the story so far ~^^

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