Truth and Intimidation

Start from the beginning

Bleachers? Childhood? Oh god, that Stephanie Walkers, my high school girlfriend. That explains why she's scared of me-- "I mean sneaking off behind the bleachers to smoke and make out? Not exactly original DeBeers."

"I see it now, Walkers didn't know when to shut up either, that's probably what got her killed."

"So you remember her now huh?"

"Vaguely, no I didn't kill her if that's what you're going to ask. Don't know who did either, haven't seen that girl in over 10 years."

"Why was she scared of you?"

That's a question I dreaded, I'm a bad guy, I'll happily admit to that. I've done some terrible things, but the way I treated her? That scared even me.

"I don't know." I can tell by the look she gives me she knows I'm lying, I just pray she can't tell by my look how guilty I feel. Stephanie spent five years of her life trying to help me, trying to protect me from my father. She let me stay with her when things got rough. I was drunk one night, high too and I did something I'll regret as long as I live. I turned into him. I wasn't Blaine that night. I was my father. She couldn't look at me after that night, and I couldn't bear to be around her, she was a reminder of what I could become. I refused to become that. If I'm a monster he's the devil.

"You cared about her Blaine, I can see that, so let me help her."

I swallowed, hard, "I really need to leave, so much work to do, you know how it is." I stepped toward her, holding my hand out for the key.

"What did you do to her Blaine?"

"I told you, I haven't seen her in years, what happened between me and her doesn't matter. Give me the damn key Liv. Now." I take another step toward her, raising my voice slightly, I can't deal with this. That's when I see her flinch, It's not entertaining this time, her fear. She stills, her eyes widening as I'm met with an empty stare. She slips into a vision and my stomach flips, I feel sick, all this time and Stephanie still fears me. Now Liv will know why. If I could turn any paler I would, I clench my jaw and look down. I can't look at her. That look she gave me as she flinched looks so familiar now.

"Blaine? Are you drunk?"
I didn't respond. "Is that vodka? Where did you even get that? God, is that weed I can smell?"

"Leave me alone, Walkers."

"Jesus. Blaine, your face. Did he do that to you? You can't let him get away with this. Have you even cleaned it? It's going to get infected, come here." She grabbed my arm and pulled me toward her, I didn't want to be touched.

'"Get off of me. Leave me alone." I shoved her slightly, in warning almost but she cared too much. She wasn't ready to give up on me. I needed to make her give up, if she gave up on me so could I. She reached out again, steadying my swaying body against a wall, she reached up to touch my face. I couldn't let her, I didn't want to feel another person's hands on my skin. Not at that moment.

I grabbed her, my grip a little too rough. I turned her, slamming her against the wall, a little too harsh.
I yelled at her, a little too loud and when she tried to comfort me I punched her, in the same spot on the cheek my father had punched me earlier in the day. I just didn't want to be touched. I just wanted to be alone. I warned her, I didn't want to hurt her. I lost control. I became him. She didn't talk to me again after that.'

She saw it, I can tell by the look in her eye, she doesn't know how to react, what to say. I wouldn't either, I don't blame her.

"Can I have the key now Liv? You got what you wanted." I don't dare step closer to her, I really can't bear to see her more scared than she already is.


I wince, "Don't."

She bites her lip, questioning what to say before nodding softly and holding out the key to me, her eyes don't meet mine. I'm not sure I want them to anyway. Not now. I take the key and she flinches, she physically flinches at my touch.

There's a knock at the door and she looks up, startled, she glances at me and then away, quickly.


I sigh softly but hand it back to her, I'm not sure why I couldn't have just opened the door. I suppose I'm not supposed to have a key, maybe she could get in trouble for giving it to me.

"Hey, Liv, what's up? You don't look too good."

"I'm fine. What do you need?" Liv walks back down the morgue steps, there's a woman trailing behind her, a concerned look on her face. She looks familiar, she was there, last night. She was with Lexi. She looks me up and down.

"You not going to introduce me to your friend?" Liv glances at me again, for a fragment of a second before finding something else to occupy her gaze.

"Oh, Tracey this is Blaine and vice versa."

The girl I now know as Tracey narrows her eyes at me as if she's trying to figure out where she's seen me before.

"You wouldn't happen to be the very same Blaine that owns The Scratching Post?"

I raise an eyebrow questioningly, "That would be me, how do you...?"

"You're not what I expected, " what's that supposed to mean? "I'm Lexi's sister, she thinks very highly of you, I can see why."

I laugh slightly, though I don't feel much like laughing, "She talks about me?"

"Oh yeah, tells me everything, or at least the parts she remembers--"

That's when Liv cuts her off, "You and Lexi?" she scrunches up her nose in disgust. "I don't really know her but I know her well enough to know she deserves better than you."

"Thanks for the confidence boost Liv." I force a fake smile on to my face, Tracey is interested now. I'm not sure I'm ready for this line of questioning.

"He seems like a nice guy, what's wrong with him?"

"What's right with him?" Liv scoffs, I tense.

"Liv..." I can't tell if it was a warning or a plead.

"What is it? One of you tell me what's going on? Why shouldn't my sister keep seeing him?"

"Because he doesn't care about women, he's an abusive, lying, murdering scumbag who only ever looks out for himself. He doesn't care who he hurts or how he hurts them. He ruined my life, I'm not going to let him ruin your sisters." Liv speaks quickly, I'm not sure she even realises what she's saying until she's done. She meets my eyes now. If I didn't know any better I'd swear I see guilt flash through those eyes. I look up at Tracey.

"Not even going to try to defend yourself?"

"Would there be any point?"

"If I find out you've gone anywhere my sister again I'll kill you, and I'll make sure you suffer."

"I think it's time you left Blaine," Liv speaks up before I get the chance, "you're right, I've got what I wanted."

I nod stiffly and walk past Tracey, trying to ignore the threatening glare I get as I do. As I step out of the police station and into the cold evening air my phone buzzes for the second time today.

Lexi: Hey Blaine, I know arranging dates is usually the man's job but I've found this fancy new restaurant that serves brains. Rumour is the owners real cute, fancy a bite? X

For the first time today I feel a real smirk grow from the corners of my mouth.

Blaine: I'll pick you up in an hour, be ready.

I never did like doing what I was told.

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