Chapter 29 (special/ its hella gay)

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(A/N: Sorry it's been a while since I last updated believe it or not I ran into a writers block? I know how the story will end but I want to make the last chapter really long instead of really short like my first draft to it. But just know the last chapter will possibly be the finale. After that I'll post some extras/ deleted scenes again and probably a future pov. But for now please be patient with me and enjoy this special)

(Btw it's kinda random so stay with me? )

Special:Yuriella (Cinderella spinoff)
(Not exactly like the story but the same type of plot? It's more of a modern twist and it's fit to match the characters)

Author's POV:
Walking into the frame comes a beautiful, fair skinned, still in the closet ice skater named Yuriella. He softly pats a small cloth against his forehead as he gasps out in exhaustion from an two hour cardio work out. His two step brothers come in not too long after him and shut the locker room door behind themselves to avoid others from over seeing.

"Filthy little pig." Mocks the youngest step brother.

"You'll never be good enough for coach to send you to nationals!" The other laughed as he threw over a small sliver bucket of cleaning supplies and a mop "Now go clean up before we tell dad we caught you practicing instead of working."

Yuriella caught them quickly and pouted as the two walked off to go get changed. Ah yes, this was the norm for Yuriella, since he never had the looks or style he never made the team and became a mere janitor. In the shadows of his two horribly untalented step brothers who only made the team because their father was the coach. Yuriella never let that get in the way of pursuing his dreams he knew damn well he had the potential to prevail if only he were given a chance.

" life sucks and..." he started to walk towards the supply closet to turn the tap and fill up the sliver bucket "It be like that sometimes..." he says while sighing to himself.

He proceeded to take the now filled to the brim bucket and go out towards the skating rink to mop the benches and lounge area. Dumping the hair end of the mop into the warm soapy water he frowns looking at his reflection 'I wonder what it's like to be loved...? I mean don't get me wrong I'm not depressed or anything it's just... I don't know... Ever since mother passed away my step father has been so cruel towards me. Not to mention those brats he calls sons think they can push me around just because they think their better than me.'

Breathing softly Yuriella tries holding it all in "I should be grateful at least I have a roof over my head. If I have to work for my dreams than so be it!" He smiles brightly as he starts scrubbing down the floor.

Right after this new found positivity Yuuko comes running out of her office and into the lobby shouting for Yuriella's step father. Going up to Yuriella she hands him a light blue envelope with an snowflake stamp closing it shut.

"What could this be?" He blushes as she squeals in joy.

"The 'Ice-Prince' Victor Charming is holding a masquerade dance in one months time to celebrate his receiving of a gold medal in the finals last night. It'll be scheduled here in our skating rink since your step father invited him overseas!" Yuuko bites down on her bottom lip and throws her arms around herself trying to keep it together "Benefits of having such a well known boss...!~"

"Now why would I care for such a silly thing like that? And why is he traveling all the way out here simply because my father asked?" Yuriella was not having it "This just means I'll be booked for the next few weeks to make this place decked out."

"But Yuri you don't get it! Your father used to be a gold medal champion too so of course Charming jumped at a chance to meet his idol! He even said in an interview it was your step father he looked up to." Yuuko snatches the small letter from Yuriella's hands "I have to tell your step father and brothers."

Hanahaki Disease {Victor X Yuri Fan-Fic}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ