Chapter 26

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A/N: Ugh I tried updating earlier but it wasn't letting me. I wonder if it was a glitch or something because it kept closing the app every time.

Victor's POV:
'Answering the phone and having that phone call was the last thing I was expecting. I was too scared to think something had happened and that I'd never get to see him again.'

"V-Victor...!" Yuuko cries out "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for him..!!"

"Yuuko?! What happened?" I look towards Mila and the others and she rushes over towards me concerned.

"It's really bad Victor!" She sniffs "Yuri's in the hospital unconscious under critical condition..."

My eyes widen "W-what do you mean in the hospital...? I start choking on my words "u-unconscious...? C-critical... condition...?" I look up at Mila.

"I found him yesterday..." Yuuko pauses "He was stuffed into the janitors closet...!!" She shouts suddenly.

'Someone purposely did this..? No maybe he..! Yuri wouldn't he promised me he was doing well but then again who would be so cruel to leave him alone at his most vulnerable! What if Yuuko didn't find him! Maybe that was the intention to not be found?' Mila grabs my free hand and interwines our fingers together.

"Did someone do this to him...?" I say with a heavy heart.

"No... thank god no...!" Yuuko says sobbing "He went into cardiac arrest because something is blocking his lungs he couldn't breathe... there's no signs of physical trauma so this was all his own body."

"What's going to happen?" I say trying to stay calm.

"He was scheduled for surgery next week but they're rushing him into it tonight because whatever's in his lungs made a puncture." Yuuko starts to calm down as well "He's choking on his own blood..."

"Do they think they'll be able to save him?" I try to hold back my tears in front of everyone.

"There's a chance he might..." Yuuko stops "I'm sorry I have to go I can't..!" She hangs up quickly.

I kneel there taking my phone slowly away from my ear 'he might... Might what?! Don't tell me I might lose him forever... not now... not before I can tell him... I want him to know how much I love him... I want to put his mind at ease... I want him to know I'm all his...!' The tears start running down my face before I could even say anything to anyone 'I need to go see him!' I look down to Mila's hand, grasping onto it for support.

"I'm going..." I look up at all of them with tears in my eyes.

"Going where? Victor don't be stupid-.." I cut Yurio off by yelling shut up.

"Yuri's in the hospital dammit!" I look up at him "he needs me!!"

Georgi steps up from behind Coach feltsmen "The girl on the phone said he's unconscious anyways so there's no point in seeing him?"

"Stay out of this Georgi you're so insensitive! That's why your girlfriend left you!" Mila shouts.

"No no maybe he's right... as much as I hate to say it he isn't awake at the moment and it's not like being there will make any difference..." I say heavily faced with the fact that he's in pain and I can't do anything about it.

Yurio puts his hand on my shoulder "He wouldn't want you to go ruin your career because of a unfortunate accident now would he?! Yuri's strong he'll hold up for now."

"You both could've at least said it with more sensitivity?" Mila let's go of my hand and hugs me tightly.

"I think I needed that regardless of how harsh they're speaking. I'll go visit him after this week's competition, maybe by then he'll be awake and better." I smile slightly upset "I'd hate to see him in so much pain."

Hanahaki Disease {Victor X Yuri Fan-Fic}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu