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Yuri's POV:
'It all happened five years ago at my middle school beginning ceremony... when I started liking him that is~'

*Flash back*
Get out of here nerd!
Go kill yourself!

'I was on my way to the ceremony because I was late, running till my legs couldn't go for much longer, and I bumped into a group of guys who'd looked older than me.'

*Flash back*
I'll teach you a lesson not to bother us again!

'The eldest of the group grabbed me by the uniform collar and threatened to kill me. It all came back to me that this was the same guy who bullied me all throughout elementary as well. The exact reason I moved to have a fresh start...'

*Flash back*
Just what do you think you're doing?! Leave him alone!!

'And then an angel came running from a distance. His beautiful long white hair flying in the wind behind him as he headed over to me. Despite how skinny he looked he beat up all those bullies with no problem and saved me.'

*Flash back*
Are you alright~?

'He asked so sweetly as he offered a hand to help me up.'

*Flash back*
C-can I be your friend?!

'I could hear my heart beating deep within my chest and my face getting hotter by the second. And at that moment I could only think of one thing... It's love at first sight.'

My train of thought gets interrupted by a itchy feeling in my throat. I force a hand over my mouth as I cough violently as if something were going to come out. It goes away and I look to the palm of my hand where a small flower petal laid. I paused and shook my head in unbelief that I just coughed it out.

I look back over to my computer screen. I sighed heavily reading that last sentence over and over again. Knowing well, the fact is, it probably was nothing to my best friend Victor. I delete the last few words and replace them with the truth.

'It's unrequited love at first sight.'

"The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient coughs up flowers or flower petals. The only cure is to have that love reciprocated, or to somehow wipe away all one's memories of their beloved person. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals."

Hey there everyone who is reading! Now I know these kinds of stories have been done a lot but I really love Victuuri so I thought why not. I hope you all enjoy this story and go check out my other fan fics!

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