Chapter 21

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(A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't updated sooner I was preparing all week for my quince that was yesterday (July 14 but my birthday was on the 12) I'll try to keep updated more regularly I promise)

(Gonna make this chapter a little longer to make it up to you guys)

Yuri's POV:

"I miss him already..." I sigh heavily as I slide down my chair.

I began to type out my thoughts to clear my mind 'It's been a week since Victor left and I haven't been able to contact him at all because I lost my phone. I tried emailing him on my laptop but nothing... I wonder how things are over there. I wonder if he's thinking about me?'

"Awe that's too cute!" Yuuko squeals over my shoulder as she wraps her arms around my neck from behind "I'm sure he's sad you haven't contacted him yet! Bet he's waiting for his late night booty call."

I slam my laptop closed and push Yuuko off of me blushing "I-it's not like that!!"

She falls back into the bed and giggles "Sure it's not like that." She says sarcastically.

"Maybe you should tone it down a bit?" Takeshi says with a hint of jealousy in his voice "I'm right here."

"We're all childhood friends here no big problem." Yuuko smiles "Plus Yuri is soooooooo gay for Victor-..."

I clasp my hands against her mouth to keep her from talking "S-s-shut u-up!!!" I shout as my face goes completely red.

"Maybe you should try calling through my phone?" Takeshi offers as he prys my hands off his girlfriend.

I shake my head opposing the idea "No way. Victor doesn't answer phone numbers he doesn't recognize."

"It's worth a shot isn't it?" Yuuko finally breaks free.

"Alright hand me the phone." I smile lightly holding on to hope that he'll answer.

Victor's POV:
'Why hasn't he called me yet?' I go to land my jump but end up tripping over myself and falling into the cold ice 'i can't concentrate... what if he's in the hospital again? what if something bad happened?' I get up and stake over to the outside of the ring. I rest my hands against the cold bars and bend over to catch my breath.

"Are you done day dreaming?" Coach Feltsmen crosses his arms violently "Or does Prince Charming need a few more minutes?"

I look back at him with sorrow "I'll go back to practicing I'm sorry coach." I bow down slightly and look up to see the practice room door's being swung open behind him "what do you want?" I change my tone.

"You never change do you?" Mila walks in with Yurio "What happened to the good old days when we used to skate together?"

"Be respectful towards Mila from now on." Feltsmen glares at me as he talks "You two will be rinkmates this season."

"Awe wait Coach! I thought you said I could be paired with Yurio!!" She wraps her arms around him and snuggles her chin onto the top of his head.

"Get off me you old hag!!" Yurio blushes madly and proceeds to shout hurtful words.

"I've already made up my mind. Victor and you make the perfect duo after all... what happened to all that passion?" Feltsmen takes it easy and looks at the two of us disappointed "It's been a week since Victor arrived and you two act like the other still doesn't exist!!"

Suddenly the door are thrusted open again and Georgi comes running through "MILA!!  ANYA BROKE UP WITH ME AGAIN!"


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