Chapter 48: The secret

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  • Gewidmet Maddie B.

            Maddi’s POV (Yay! A new POV!!!)

            “So why did you pull me out of the game?” I asked Niall as he set me upright on the edge of his bed.

            “For this reason.” He said, pulling something out of his pocket. “Maddi, I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you, will you be my girlfriend?” He asked, presenting me with a blue raspberry ring pop, my favorite.

            “OHMYGOSH! NIALL!! Of course!  I would love to be your girlfriend.” I said with a huge grin as Niall put the ring on my finger. I just laughed and licked the ring. “This is really good.”

            “Nothing but the best for my princess.” He replied, sneaking a lick off of my ring.

            “Hey!” I laughed, pulling my hand away. “You know what’s funny? When I was little I always wanted to be a princess.”

            “You would make a cute princess.” He said smiling.

            Later we watched Finding Nemo, but I ended up falling asleep so I only saw the first hour. Phoo.

            In the morning I was first up, so I went through the kitchen to find food. I made some pancakes and left them on the table, they would be gone in five minutes anyways.

A/N: Thought it would be Liam's secret? Haha. U wish! Anyways, this is for my sister who begged me for a week to write her a chapter. Here ya go Maddi!

Update: I had a request to change Tyler to Parker, but I was too lazy to go back and replace all of the tylers with Parker. So from now on my brother will be Parker Alexader Reid. K Bye!!!!!

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