《。☆*:.。.~ 14 ~.。.:*☆。》

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:*Your POV*:

More gun fire rebounded in your ears. You were sweaty and an emotional mess. Your cuts had stopped bleeding, dirt and blood stained your skin and clothes.

Your brain was scrambled. With the loud noises and the loud screaming; you couldn't focus.

You couldn't help but panic. You clipped on the last two wires of the cables around Bee's shoulder as one of the soldier's shouted at you.

"Girl! Get that thing out of here!" He snapped as you rolled you eyes in reply.

"I'm going! I'm going!" You shouted over the gun fire as you look over to see the tank fire another missile.

You jumped in the truck and swerved around the corner just as the tank fired another missile.

You panted heavily as you pulled into the ally, and pressed hard on the breaks, bring the large tow truck to a stop.

Your heart was beating out of your chest. Your whole body trembled in fear and panic.

You wiped the new cut on your cheek with your dirty (colour) long sleeved shirt.

Tears slipped down your cheeks as You leaned your head back on the seat.

All you could think about was Sam. Was he ok?! Was he even still alive?

You clenched the steering wheel, resting your sweaty (colour) forehead on it, taking in deep breaths of air.

You looked over your shoulder, as Bee met your teary (e/c) gaze. He whirred softly as you looked back at the steering wheel.

You put the truck in drive and speed out of the ally way, and down the street, swerving the sharp corner, and pressed on the break.

You looked over your shoulder. "I drive you shoot!" You shouted through the noise, you shift the gear in reverse and pressed on the gas.

Bee whirred as he kicked and moved the cars out of the way, as you kept your foot on the gas and one hand on the wheel, getting down the road as fast as you could.

"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" You cried out through the chaos.

Bee whirred as he began to fire, hitting the tank at the shoulder, and his arms.

Bee whirred as he unsheathed his missiles from his shoulders and fired them at the tank.

"Come on Bee! You can do it!" You shouted through the chaos as Bee blasted a car out of the way and back towards firing at the tank.

In matters of seconds as Bee fires his shot, it enters the Decepticon's chest and spins around, letting out a loud whir like groan and crashed into the torn building, laying completely still.

You pressed on the breaks as Bee whirred softly, slightly removing his face mask. You let out a small breath as you shakily get out of the car.

"Nice shooting Bee!" You praised with delight as Lennox looked over at the dead robot.

He transforms his large cannon back into his servo as one of the soldiers looked at the tank as you walked over.

"That tank is definitely dead now.." Lennox grumbled as you laughed in response as Lennox shouted. "Ok let's go we got business."

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