《。☆*:.。.~ 10 ~.。.:*☆。》

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The door bell rings repeatedly before Sam's father answers the door.

He let out a few grumbles and curses under his breath before he went to answer the door. "Ronald Wickity?"

"It's Witwicky. Who are you?" He asked as he glared at the man, who flashed his a silver badge with a small blue jewel at the center.

"We're the government. Sector Seven."

"Never heard of it."

"Never will. Your son's the great-grandson of Captain Archibald Wickity, is he not?"

"It's Witwicky." He corrected again, clearly becoming irritated.

"May I enter the premises sir?" He asked before he stepped inside the house just in time as Judy waved her bat around in the living room.

"Ron, there's guys all over the front yard."

"What the heck is going on here?" Sam's father asked as more men began to file into the house.

"Your son filed a stolen car repost last night. We think it's involved in a national security matter."

"They're-they're ripping up my rose bushes!" Judy cried out as his father glared at the man.

"National Security?"

"That's right. National Security." He repeated as Judy was now yelling. "My god, Ron they're everywhere, there's guys in suits all around the house! Look at this!"

"Could you stay off the grass!"

"Get me a sample and some isotope reading!" The agent called out to his men while Judy and Ron were watching the other men destroy their yard.

They're pulling bushes out of the ground! Good lord! They've got to get their hands off my bush!"

"Drop the bat, ma'am." The agent ordered; stopping Judy by grasping the bat.

"I'm carrying a loaded weapon." He stated as one other agent stopped Ron from stepping in between them.

"But you'd better get those guys out of my garden or I'm going to beat the crap out of them!"

He suddenly flashed a light at her eyes. "Are you experiencing any flu-like symptoms? Aching joints? Fever?"

"No!" Judy snapped angrily as both you and Sam enter his house once more you see a man in a black suit. He had sharp brown eyes, curly brown-almost black with a touch of white considering his age.

"What's going on here?" Sam asked as you slowly stepped behind him, as you held onto his arm from the sudden fear.

"How you doing, son? Is your name Sam?" He asked as he tossed the baseball bat he was holding which belonged to Sam's parents to another man on his team.

San paused, looking at the other man, before looking at the first guy.

"Yeah," he replied in a wary tone as he stepped closer. "I need you to come with us."

Your (e/c) eyes widened as you tighten your grip around his arm as his parents stood in front of both of you.

"No your way out of line." Ron snapped as you squeezed Sam's arm.

The Boy and his Yellow Camaro (Sam X reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя