《。☆*:.。.~ 11 ~.。.:*☆。》

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Both you and Sam had reached your first location at the military base, by early dawn.

Both you and Sam had been psychically, emotionally and mentally drained.

From the military base you had been then transported to one of the two military helicopters, which was the same one as Sam and two other people.

One was an older looking female around the age of her early thirties with blond curly hair, that was tied in a pony tail. She had blue eyes, and wore a pencil skirt, matching jacket and a white blouse, her name Maggie.

Then there was a black American male, a little on the cubby side with a red jersey and brown shorts, his rounded cheeks held up his rounded glasses that seemed a little stained along the edges. He introduced himself as Glenn.

During the awkward silence Sam had finally spoken, breaking the tension.


"What did they get you for?" Maggie asked just before Sam could ask her that exact question.

Sam sighed as you rested your head on his shoulder, you sighed as Sam replied to her. "Ah, I bought a car. Turned out to be an alien robot."

"Wow.." Glenn mumbled in disbelief as you shrugged your shoulders. "Yeah...who knew.." You mumbled as Sam reached out and squeezed your hand.

Soon after the helicopter lands at its landing pad an both you and Sam including Maggie and Glenn were put in another SUV where you were driven to a damn.

The man who was driving signaled you both to step out. You and Sam both walked over to the ledge of the bridge as you looked down the cement slope of the large hover damn.

"Wow.." You whispered as Sam smiled a little. You shyly smiled back as Simmons called you both over.

As you walked over, Simmons rested a hand on Sam's shoulder as he looked at both you and Sam.

Hey kid. I think we got off to a bad start huh? You must be hungry. You want a latte? Hoho? Double venti macchiato?" He asked as Sam glared at him. "Where's my car?"

"Son, I need you two to listen to me very carefully, people could die-we need to know everything you two know. We need to know it now." The man with the moustache stated who was also known as Tom Bancheck.

"Ok. But first I'll take my car, my parents. Maybe you should write that down. Oh and (y/n) juvie record. That's got to be gone. Like forever." Sam demanded as you froze, staring at him in shock.

San glared at Simmons as Bancheck nodded. "Come with me. We'll talk about your car." He stated as Sam looked at you and you smiled.

"Thank you."

Both you and Sam walked past Simmons as he growled. "The man's a extortionists. He mumbled out as both you and Sam including some soldiers where led down the narrow pathway at the bottom of the damn.

"Alright, here's the situation, you've all had with direct contact with NBEs." Simmons stated as you all walked.

"NBEs?" The male black solider asked who was named Epps.

"Non-Biological-Extraterrestrials. Try and keep up with the acronyms." Simmons stated as you all entered and walked through a tunnel.

"What your about to see, is totally classified." Bancheck stated as you walked deeper in and you gasped to see the large giant frozen robot.

"Dear god what is that?" Asked the Secretary of Defense.

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