Chapter 29: What's going on?

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That man was going to die.

Maybe not literally, I mean I would probably miss him and he has his uses. But I could enjoy killing him off in my head right? What's the harm in that?

He left me here. He left me here after he kidnapped me. If you can kidnap a person once without their consent, you can bloody well kidnap them again when they ask you to.

Was he over me already? We had barely had the chance to indulge in our Stockholm Syndrome whirlwind romance.  I certainly was not tired of him yet.  Okay, maybe a little tired of him.  And okay, maybe that entirely had to do with my recent rejection.

You can call me dramatic, but at least I'm self aware.  Know thyself.  Like that's gonna solve anything. I know I'm becoming exceedingly frustrated with the continued crap storm that seems to be targeting me.

Fate was a bitch and she had it out for me.

Except, I was the master of my own fate. Yes, I could change my destiny. I had the means, the brains, the superhuman DNA. Change starts with a small action. A gesture, if you will. Once you make that gesture, you simply follow the consequences until you need to make another gesture. Next thing you know, things will be looking up. Always think positively, my friends. 

I smiled a positively frightening evil grin as I looked into the rearview mirror, making eye contact with each of the four figures in the 2 rows of back seats. Thank heavens for mini vans, am I right?

My family's muffled pleas intensified as they noticed my smile and they struggled against their bonds. Puny humans. Unable to escape from a simple knotted rope. Muffled by a teeny strip of tape.  Oh, and their own sweaty socks. My grin widened. I almost forgot that bit of well-received justice.

Now I know what you're thinking - 'Amadahy, aren't you the heroine in this story? You're supposed to be better than them. You can't tie your family up and drive them out into the middle of nowhere to do goodness knows what! ' 

Well, like I said, Fate was a bitch and she's friends with Karma.

My family was finally going to get what they deserve - complete and total annihilation.

Just kidding.  Had you going there, didn't I?

I sighed, inspecting my nails as if I were simply a regular, bored human, waiting on someone or something. I suppose I was waiting for someone - myself. I had yet to decide what to do. I was laying in bed in my old room, "locked in".  Having been recently repeatedly tasered and then sedated, I found myself somewhat reluctant to remain in the house with my family. 

Blood is thicker than water. The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. There's some debate on what the original saying was and what it was supposed to imply. Me? I tend to agree with the latter. Blood could be as thick as a brick and I'd love to smack certain people over the head with it, but that still wouldn't help my relationship with my blood relatives. Maybe that was the animal in me talking. Was I already losing my human side to the wolf? Or had I simply been pushed too far? Perhaps this was simply the inevitable breaking point of my mind. It was tempting to forgive myself and say "I'm only human", but that would be a lie now, wouldn't it?

So I lay on my bed in that familiar little white room, having a lengthy debate on what my ethics were and what could be considered justifiable. I should be escaping. However, I found myself rather relaxed about this whole situation. I mean, yes, there was a small volcano of rage bubbling inside of me, but I was keeping a leash on that eruption for now.  There's a time and place for everything. Before I get lost in a senseless act of emotion, I should consider the consequences that I am prepared to live with. 

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