Chapter 7 - In the Dark of the Night

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For all of those who did not follow me to the second profile where I continued with this story, the reason I have not updated here is because I lost account access. (Well part of the reason. The other reason is engineering studies). Please accept my sincerest apologies.

I will complete this book by the end of the year. Let's get started:


There was silence – total and utter silence. No awkward crickets chirped. No leaves rustled. It was as if even the wind was holding its breath.

"Excuse me?" Adahy finally said.

"Kill me. Why are you not just preparing to kill me?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Are you stupid? Can you understand English?" I gasped and covered my mouth. I couldn't believe I said that. He was absolutely going to kill me.

"Do you want me to kill you now? I'm becoming increasingly open to the idea." His eyes were narrowed in my direction.

"Of course I don't want to die! But you are making this whole thing out to be a sunny vacation in the woods. Let's not make this into something it's not, okay? You're not my friend and you never will be. Do not pretend to be. This is just business." Not even my business. This was just the results of decisions made before I ever stepped foot on this earth. I could be as cold and unfeeling as the people who signed away my life. It was the only thing I had control over and the only act of resistance – whether anyone cared or not.

It felt terrible. It felt good. It felt like power. A tiny sliver of power, but power nonetheless and it got under his skin so all the better.

He looked shaken. If I didn't know any better, I would even say hurt. Then his eyes hardened and his hands curled into fists.

"Is this the gratitude I get for saving you from a lifetime of those people? You don't want this to be easy? Fine. We don't have to be friends. I sure as hell don't need this. I have enough crap to deal with without you," he growled and stalked past me. "Keep up. Unless you think you can make one of your business deals with the wolves."

I watched him walk away and failed not to notice the way the jacket stretched over his broad shoulders and the way his clenched fists made them muscles bulge slightly under the sleeves. He was just my type. At least, he would have been my type if I'd been allowed to actually get out.

For a split second, I let myself imagine a different life. We were hiking through the woods, laughing and teasing each other. He was my friend – maybe even more. There would be someone else in the world who actually cared about me. I wouldn't be alone anymore.

It was dangerous to think like that. I couldn't really afford to think of him as anything more than the man who owned my life. To forget that fact would just end up with one last betrayal of trust.

I trailed after him, trying to take in any important details about my surroundings without looking at the man walking in front of me. It was mostly just trees. Under any other circumstances, it might have been really beautiful. It was beautiful actually – a cold, lonely kind of beauty. One that made me feel appreciative of the brief period of life given to us on this planet, while marvelling at the merciless indifference nature showed to those who became prey.

I know nothing about navigating or surviving on my own, but in that moment I would have gladly walked into the woods and risked the wolves if it meant I had a chance at a life. For the first time in my life, it would be on my terms. I would choose where I went and what I did.

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