Chapter 15: You Don't Know

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To @sbfkbs, a new reader this time :) Thank you for the support! Thank you for also having the least intuitive username to type out. :P I hope you all enjoy.....



Then my hand started to feel warm. The warmth spread up my arm and into my chest, where the warmth became a burning fire that raged into the rest of my body. Hot. I was so hot. I was melting.

I rushed towards the water, collapsing onto my hands and knees when I was still a few metres away. I scrambled on all fours the rest of the way, forgetting entirely about the open wound on my hand, and leant down to dive head first into the little lake. However, just as my head was moving towards the water, I caught sight of a girl. She was staring at me from underneath the water.

Something strange was happening with her eyes. They were starting to glow a blue-grey colour, which gradually turned into a piercing blood red. Her body shimmered a golden colour and a translucent form began to take shape. A long nose and two pointed ears emerged from her face and the tip of a tail peaked out from over a shoulder.

As the body of the beast took shape, it continued to separate from her. When it was fully formed, it seemed to step out of her and turn around. I looked back in time to see tables of golden wolves and people, all looking at the wolf beside me. By the gazebo, a much bigger, brighter wolf stood next to a man with a blue handprint on his face.

As if they were one creature, all of the wolves looked up at the full moon and howled. It was a beautiful sound – a welcome.

I turned to look back at the girl in the water. Her eyes were still bright red. She opened her mouth, possibly to join in on the howl, but instead she ended up screaming.


Chapter 15 - You Don't Know

There were a few things that I realized when I woke up.

Number one: I was most certainly not dead - or rather if I was dead, I wanted a refund because being dead felt like crap. By "crap" I mean distinctly not good, but also not in the burn in hell kind of way. I also most certainly was not in heaven, but I felt unfortunately more than nothing. Therefore, the logical conclusion was that I was not, in fact, dead.

I let that sink in a while before I moved onto the next realization. Massaging my temples, I stewed on realization number two – those jerks drugged me. They freaking drugged me and whatever it was that they had given me, my head was not happy today.

'Number three,' I thought, pulling out a twig from underneath me that had been digging uncomfortably into my back and tossing it aside, 'Either Jim and Alana lied or Adahy botched-"

That train of thought came screeching to a halt. My eyes darted from side to side.

"Huh." It was all I could manage to say while my brain processed its surroundings. I sat up, black dots clouding my vision as my heart tried to pump blood up to my brain at the sudden new altitude. As my vision cleared, my head caught up.

I was lying somewhere in the middle of the forest. Even better, as a breath of wind helpfully brought to my attention – I was completely and utterly naked.

I sat there, just blinking for a while. Slowly, the inevitable storm of questions began rumbling. Where was I? How far was I from civilization? Where were my clothes? How did I get here? If I found Adahy and them, would they try actually kill me this time or were we past that now?

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