Chapter 23: Inside Out

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So I really thought that being a not so mythical creature and basically having super powers would mean I wouldn't have to train. I guess that's the problem when everyone else around you is also a mythical creature...

The second day was supposed to be the worst for sore muscles, right? Well, it's been an hour since Taylor finally let me crawl home and everything hurts. I am so ready for this pain to go away.

Please, please, please let these wolfy powers count for something!

On the bright side, I got to spend some time with Taylor. I haven't seen her much since she rocked up with that veggie dish before the ceremony. I think exercise is supposed to be good for bonding. At least doing this session helped me start the foundations on a new friendship!

"Hey, Amadahy!" Taylor yelled from the front door, effectively causing my heart to skip a beat. "I came back because I forgot to tell you, the next training session is tomorrow, 06h00. Don't be late!"

My smile inverted. On second thought, maybe I don't need friends.

Grumbling, I heaved myself off of the bedroom floor and dragged myself over to the shower. I mean, how the hell am I supposed to train tomorrow if I can barely even move? I fought my way out of my clothes. Opening the shower tap, I let the water flood over my body. The streams of water beat into my muscles with just enough pressure to feel a little bit like a massage. I took a deep breath and let my shoulders drop, pretending the water was washing away all of the tension. Yet somehow I was still muttering under my breath when I eventually climbed out of the shower.

I muttered into the bedroom and muttered into some clothes. I even muttered into the kitchen to cram a few crackers into my mouth. When Adahy finally came home, he found me muttering into my toothbrush.

"Sheez, what's with you?" he asked, one perfectly annoying eyebrow raised in a stupidly perfect arc. I growled at him, toothpaste spraying across the room. He laughed. "I am glad you are that comfortable with me."

The blood rushed into my cheeks. Rather than defusing my mood, it added fuel to the fire and I slammed the door in his face. He had the nerve to laugh, but I heard his footsteps retreating so I decided to count it as a win anyway.

I would like to say I am a reasonable, rational person. I would also like to say I am an honest person. Unfortunately, only one of these things can be true at the moment. I shrugged at myself in the little medicine cabinet mirror. Perhaps I should focus on having conversations with people other than myself? Maybe that is step one on the road to recovery? Or maybe that is the inescapable and irreversible side effect of spending your life alone.

But really, who freaking cares anyway?

I rinsed the last of the toothpaste out of my mouth and reluctantly opened the bathroom door. I heard the clinking of cutlery in the kitchen. Taking the opportunity, I ran across the bedroom and dived into the bed. Pulling the covers over my head, I sunk against the mattress. Maybe I could fall asleep before he finished eating.

"Hey," said a voice right next to my head. I screamed.

"What the hell dude?" I yelled at him, my voice high pitched and squeaky. He grinned, stuffing another mouthful of spaghetti into his mouth. Half the noodles overflowed from his mouth and he slurped them up gleefully. I recoiled, my face scrunching up.

"What?" he asked innocently. I shrieked, my hands going up to block my view of his mouth.

"Swallow first!" When he waggled his eyebrows, I realized my phrasing could have been better. "Don't be inappropriate."

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