Chapter 24: Unraveling

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Hi! I am not sure how well I managed to write this scene (so please vote, comment and let me know!), but I do feel I should a put a bit of a warning up just in case in order to be respectful of readers who may have experienced or witnessed unacceptable behaviour in their lifetime.

Readers should proceed with caution, this chapter does contain some content of a more intimidating, aggressive nature and may trigger discomfort, etc.


Adahy stood with his arms crossed, his face as forgiving as stone. 

"Please!" I begged, my chest heaving. "I can't do anymore." He did not even twitch as I gave him my best pouty mouth and wide, puppy eyes. "Oh, for crying out loud! Hasn't this been enough? What do more do you want from me?"

"I told you," he said calmly. "Fifty laps around the territory."

I sighed. When he said fifty laps around the territory, he luckily did not mean literally. We had established a running route around the houses and common areas such that I had an inconvenient amount of running to do, but that I also remained suitably far from the territory's actual borders. These were considered "unsafe" and "Amadahy, do not under any circumstances approach them, I mean it" areas. I was okay with it on the basis that it entailed less running. 

I was rather familiar with my running route on account of having run it twenty times for the warm up. If I had to estimate, I would say it was approximately three hundred thousand kilometers long, but then I suppose I would be told that I was "ridiculous" and that I was exaggerating because I had the "physical fitness of a elderly snowman in the middle of a heatwave". Needless to say, Adahy's coaching made me mourn Taylor's training sessions. I mean, I was grateful he had agreed to help me. Who better to teach me how to fight? If only he did not share Taylor's philosophy of strengthening my human side first. 

I sighed again.  I guess there was no way around this.  I took another few deep gulps of air, squared my shoulders and started moving.  I was going for the pace of a light jog.  Fifty laps after all of the strength training we had done was not a good idea, I decided. My body seemed to agree as each step I took required a mammoth effort from all of the muscles involved. Was I moving one measly leg or an entire mountain? According to the way my muscles were protesting, it was definitely a mountain.

"It's all going to be worth it," I said through gritted teeth. "This is great. Every step is a step towards my stronger, brighter future. Or something."

I continued to chant over the pounding of my heart. I said the words out loud when I could manage and in my head when I felt like the air around me no longer contained enough oxygen. Stronger. Faster. Tougher. I can do this. Stronger. Faster. Tougher.

To be honest, at this point the future was not looking so bright. I was on lap 30.

"This can't be healthy," I gasped. My heart was threatening to beat its way out of my chest. I put a hand over my chest to try and keep it in my body. It would be impossible for my heart to actually leave my body...but maybe just in case.

I vaguely remember reading a warning label on the  treadmill back at Jim and Alana's house one of the few times I actually got the chance to use it. I am pretty certain it said shortness of breath, dizziness and an overly pounding heart were all signs to cease and desist immediately.

"Screw it." I slowed down to a walk, which somehow turned into me hunched over on the ground, my stomach moving in and out rapidly. It was trying to suction in air with this movement, possibly no longer trusting me to do the breathing voluntarily.

"Please don't die just yet," a horribly familiar voice purred next to my ear. 


I straightened slowly and stiffly, shifting my weight onto the foot furthest from the voice. There was nothing that could be done about my frantic heartbeat, but I tried to keep my face blank and calm. All of my movements were cautious, but steady - like you might do if you came across a wild animal in the woods.

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