57. His Mother's Words

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Francesco covered his forehead with one hand and closed his eyes.

O'Neil and Riordan Rossi watched him. Vincenzo felt the tense atmosphere. He just could sense he was not welcome in whatever conversation that was going to take place. O'Neil was the one who confirmed his thoughts "Vincenzo, go home."

Riordan said "Good idea. My sons have gone to Francesco's home. He can wait there. Safety comes first. We dont want our heirs to get tangled in these matters."

Vincenzo did not move.

Francesco whispered "Leave Vincenzo. Now."

Vincenzo reluctantly decided to obey. This was most personal to his father. He never thought his grandmother would visit."

Francesco opened his eyes and rubbed his forehead as he watched his son leave. He then glanced at the two men "Show me where she is."

O'Neil stated "You will see her? Really?"

Francesco nodded and walked past the two towards the mansion slowly "Yes. Of course. She has come all the way for one reason only. She has come to see through the safety of her husband..."

The two men followed him silently. It was rare for Francesco to let out his feelings about his mother. They knew how unique they were to be allowed in the private matter. They remained silent.

Francesco said "All these years she didnt come visit me. Only she came because she has heard my father is in danger because of his ambitious plans... Does she know he is caught by me?"

Riordan said "Yes. Costanzo told him everything. Vitale had also given news to his father about this matter that your father is in danger..."

Francesco laughed darkly "Danger? He brought the danger on himself... I never acknowledged his existence. To me he has been dead for years. My father is the one showed up in my life again after harassing  my son and befriending him with the help of Antonio. But to her he is pretty much alive. My mother doesnt just want to save his life. Not only she wants his life... She wants his freedom too."

Francesco reached his car and turned to O'Neil "Tell your men to bring my father to Riordan's place. Keep him under lock and key. My mother is here to see him safe. She is not here for me."

O'Neil nodded. It was a sad truth. O'Neil would have done anything for Francesco to be adopted by his own family. His parents would have adopted him if Francesco wished it. They would have shown him more love than anything Maria and Paulo could show him.

Riordan asked "Are you sure about this? You dont have to do this."

Francesco opened the door "There is not a damage that hasn't been done already. Let the worst happen. I welcome it with open arms..."

Riordan said "Alright. I will lead the way." He turned to O'Neil "Clear the roads. Will you?"

O'Neil nodded.

Francesco leaned back and thought about what he wanted to say to his mother. All the way to Riordan's hotel. What could she say to her? All his life he wanted to make her proud. He wanted to become a man that she would have liked to meet one day once she was free. He ignored the monster who fathered him and tried to live a life that his innocent mother would have liked to see him live. All his life he had received nothing but pain from his father. Nothing good came out of anything he touched. He ruined his life. He told himself to not look back and he did not wish to look back. But the past caught with him when he least welcomed it.

Francesco got off the car as his car stopped inside the private villa building that was part of the massive hotel complex that belonged to the Rossi family. He remembered the last time he had been here. They used to have college parties here. Years of abstinence but plenty of friends and foes to network with.

A Mob Boss's Territory (Book 4-About Vincenzo)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin