24. The Love Of A Woman

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Terza was looked outside the car window taking in the property that the car that was carrying her and Vincenzo just entered. The place was huge. It was even bigger than her father's property. Entering the O'Kane property was like entering a New York Irish town of its own. It was crazy how it had expanded over the years. It was one of her uncle Jackson's bases. The properties in Boston were the main headquarters and the heart of the O'Kane business.

Terza admired the view as the car they were in was allowed through the gates. The car made its way through a road cutting through well designed gardens. Terza smiled. " I love this path. It always cheers me up to look outside at how beautiful this place is when we have to have to go through so many check points to get here every time. Security is excessive on the way here as you know."

Vincenzo looked at her "Terza. You mean when you come with your father you have to endure the checks too. But he is Irish."

Terza nodded "Yes and no. It depends on his co-operation. He can get through easily but he doesn't play his cards right and we get stopped sometimes." She then chuckled. "My father once came here and handed a framed poster to my uncle Jackson as present. It said on it, "Wanted Alive, Missing Irish Traitor; Terrance O'Neil". My father has a sense of humour and it doesn't work out well at times in his favour. They made him go through checks at times when he insulted my uncle Jackson like that time. My uncle likes to prove a point mostly. The more my father doesn't take the Irish family on his mother's side seriously, the more hostile my uncle gets. We almost were on house arrest here once because we hadn't visited for so long. My father keeps his distance and my uncle hates it. It's a power battle always with the O'Kanes..."

Vincenzo said " Considering I am Italian-American, they should have dismantled the car. But seems like today they let it pass because of you."

Terza said " True. My uncle subjects all non irish guest cars to over excessive safety checks at various check points on the highways leading to this property. But they treated you like an Irish which is a good sign. It is all a power statement from my uncle. He is going to exercise his family's power showing the O'Kanes are in charge from the moment the guests enter his territory until they join in the celebrations for appointing Tristan as the next heir."

As the car stopped in front of the mansion, Terza got off with Vincenzo. They were greeted by Tristan And Vienna of course who had arrived earlier. Tristan said to Vincenzo "I need to talk to you inside. Vienna can explore the place and geta tour. She vintage exterior and interior designs in architecture. This place is perfect.

Vincenzo didnt want to argue. He could talk to Tristan about not encouraging Vienna to go with architecture and art. But again architecture was better than art. It was engineering design. So he nodded to him and followed Tristan as he watched Terza taking Vienna's hand and leading her away.

Tristan lead Vincenzo inside the mansion and then to the second floor. On the way Vincenzo admired the inside of the mansion. The place was indeed massive and there were so many guards around. Tristan lead him up the stairs and when they reached a deserted corridor Tristan explained "You know, this mansion is special to my uncle. He calls it home. Its not his main business headquarter but its his home. So the place is very special to him. Do you know why?" Tristan then stopped at a door and unlocked it.

Vincenzo stopped too and leaned to the wall staring at Tristan "No. You tell me."

Trista glanced at him " He told me about it on the way. Years ago. Your aunt Anna stayed in a room in this mansion. When my uncle Jackson's father was away on a business trip once, my uncle allowed your aunt Anna to come here. He gave her a room. It's a long story how and why. He paid for it later on when his father returned. He has no regrets though. He tried hard to have the woman he loved but it didnt work out. Failure is not an option that we get to choose. Failure happens. He failed to win his woman. But he tried. He had honour and still does. So dont even judge him for loving your aunt Anna, Vincenzo. I mean it." He then unlocked the door.

A Mob Boss's Territory (Book 4-About Vincenzo)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt