56. New Dawn of Threats

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O'Neil was livid as he saw who was at the gates. It was Francesco's mother alongside Francesco's uncle Pietro. They had gotten off their car and were waiting to be allowed in. He knew who to blame for this. His attention went to Vitale who was standing around looking at O'Neil with an uncertain expression. O'Neil walked write at him and said "You come with me."

Vitale obediently followed and once they were inside the building, O'Neil closed the door and grabbed the collar of vitale's shirt "Talk... now ." He forcefully pushed him to the wall making Vitale lose his breath. "What do you gain from this?"

Vitale breathed "My father... He asked me what was happening. I told him. He is my father... I don't keep secrets from him..."

O'Neil said "Give me one good reason not to kill you... I can kill you with one shot and can bury you right underneath the exact spot you are standing. I don't answer to anyone."

Vitale knew O'Neil could be seconds away from killing him. He said "Kill me. I just know sooner or later this needs to happen. If my uncle Paulo is going down his wife needs to know."

O'Neil let go of him and then punched Vitale in the gut making him kneel. Vitale wasn't weak. That's why O'Neil hit him. He could handle the hit. He kicked him in the gut again making him cough "You are not smart. You think you are. You and your principles passed down from your grandfather disgusts me. Francesco's mother is not Paulo's wife. Not when he broke the vows by hurting her and his kids. My principles doesn't need no divorce papers to declare a marriage void unlike yours. You are still a kid. Sort your brains out. Sort your views out or no one will follow you as a leader. Your grandfather certainly wasn't a descent leader. If he was he wouldn't have let a wife beater to roam free under his watch."

Vitale stood up "My grandfather is dying..."

O'Neil said "Good. Let's hope your uncle Paulo follows behind him. How long does he have?"

Vitale said weakly "Not long. That's why Vincenzo had to step in to get some mentoring. My people want Francesco but he won't step foot in Sicily.,. Not after how they forced him to get married on Sicilian soil against his will and having his father attend it..."

O'Neil said "No one forced Francesco. He chose to do it. Its all because he is sacrificial like that. You or anyone in your family will ever be able to grasp the meaning of his sacrifices. He puts interests of others first and his own priorities are last on his list unlike your people."

Vitale breathed "Look. I am not proud of my family. I wish I could make things right. I cant. I was not even born when my father watched how the ones around the Don covered up what the Don's favourite middle son was upto. My father as the eldest son is responsible but its not him who covered up for my uncle Paulo.

O'Neil laughed darkly. "You have all the answers it seems. Tell me. Based on what you are told... who covered up the truth about Paulo's abusive relationship with his wife and his mistreatment of his children?"

Vitale said "My Uncle Piero, my youngest uncle because his wife was the sister of uncle Paulo's wife. He knew because his wife was in touch with his sister. Only my father knows some details from his talk right before Francesco's wedding. No one knows beside uncle Piero's family and no one believes it even when the truth is told. Not unless uncle Paulo admits it himself..."

O'Neil said "You Sicilian Rosarios talk of honour and family. Where was it when it mattered to Francesco. And cherry on top of it is they havent stopped trying to get him back. Heaven knows how many abduction attempts I have had to help unfoil. They wanted to take Francesco away from US soil so he can bring back the glory. Your silence on your uncle Paulo's past is as outrageous as your people's hypocrisy. Get out of my sight. Actually make yourself useful. Go out there and tell them to turn around and leave."

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