"How did you find me?" I asked Shikamaru, as I expected him to be following me.

"I know you, better than you think I do. Of course you would go into the forest, where no one can find you." I laughed, but my heart squeezed inside my chest. Would he see through me once I joined the Akatsuki? Then, it hit me.

Did I even mind that I was joining the Akatsuki.

"Kuraun?" Shikamaru asked, putting his hand on my shoulder comfortingly. I then realized that I was frozen in place, and shaking. My fear had overcome me. I had completely surrendered to darkness. It's not that I just didn't mind that I was joining the Akatsuki. It's that I was thrilled to do so.

"Kuraun!" Shikamaru yelled in my face. I blinked, and stopped shaking, falling into his arms. He was tense, as he was not used to this happening to him.

"I can't." I murmured, my voice muffled by his shirt. 

"What? You can't what?" He asked, trying to be comforting and rubbing a hand on my back.

"Oh, god Shikamaru I can't." I moaned as I fell to the ground, him supporting me. I felt tears in my eyes, and didn't hesitate to let them fall. I couldn't surrender to the darkness. I couldn't give in. I had spent my whole life fighting so I wouldn't, and here I was, just being an open target for that darkness to flow inside of me and consume me, from the inside out. It was against everything I knew.

But I couldn't back out. The only way my plan would work, was if I joined them. But that was the real me. And I had always refused to let the real me take control.  But in the moment I went to the Hokage with the letters, I did. She took control of me and got what she always wanted.

Inevitable bloodshed.

"Kuraun? Are you okay?" Shikamaru asked, pulling me away from him so I could look him in the eye. I slowly nodded, getting myself together, trying to silence my thoughts.

"Yeah...I was just thinking about home. I can't go back there." I lied. Shikamaru was confused, definitely, but I didn't dare explain further. I might have confessed to him, and asked him to change it. I couldn't do that. It was already too late.


"Hey Kuraun!" I heard Toge yell from behind Shikamaru and I. I didn't turn, since we were in an intense Shogi battle, but I responded with a, "Hey Thorns!" And moved my piece.

Toge went in the middle of us, and studied the board. She then got a devious smile.

"Shikamaru, move this here." She pointed to certain spots, and Shikamaru reluctantly followed her commands.

"Now, Kuraun, move this here." She instructed. I did so, and realized that the game had ended, but neither of us won. Both Shikamaru and I looked up at Toge with a confused look. She threw up her hands and yelled, "Yeah, I won! Believe it!" I smiled.

We're Stuck Here So Lets Have Some "Fun" ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now