Your Turn

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POV: Reagan

"Push the table back and lift up the rug. I watched them jump in two days ago." I pointed at the coffee table that sat in front of the couch.

"Is it rigged?" My brother, Kit, asked me as he threw the coffee table across the room.

"No, if it is they set it up wrong and it'll blow them up." I shrugged and took another bite out of the apple. "Her minions, Mark and Matt, are in there with her and Ashley."

"Are you sure it's here?" Kit asked me as he ran his hands along the hardwood floor, searching for some sort of crevice.

"Yeah, I watched them open it. You have to step here and then lift up the hatch." I stood on the other end of the nearly invisible door so my brother could open in.

A vault like door came into view.

"Didn't know that was there." I spoke in an amused tone as my brother began to open it while our cousin watched Demi's men.

I'm so close to my Little One. She's in big, big trouble when I get my hands on her too.

As soon as my brother got the vault open, our cousin hopped in. "Okay then." I shrugged with an amused smirk before tossing my apple behind me and grabbing my shotgun off of my back.

It was quiet which made me a little upset. I like to hear the screams. Do they have an escape tunnel in there?

"I can't find them." Our cousin yelled up to us. "There are a bunch of screens down here though, and buttons."

"I'll go down there." I sighed as I hopped down, the handcuffs that are attached to my belt made themselves known.

I searched the kitchen cabinets, the bathroom, under the beds, and in the fridge. My idiot cousin was right. They're not in here.

"Kit, come down here so we can get a game plan." I called up to my brother before going to use the bathroom. I've gotten worked up, so I gotta pee, okay? The gun is heavy, and I really don't want to break another nail, and with the threat level being a zero now, I'm okay to leave it here. Especially with my cousin and brother having theirs and I have my pistol on my hip.

After washing my hands I walked back out to see my cousin staring up at the entrance to the bunker, waiting for my brother.

"What?" I looked at him.

"Kit hasn't come down yet. He was right by it, right?" My cousin looked at me briefly before looking back at the entrance.

"Kit! Stop playing and get down here before I kill you myself!" I growled.

No answer. Not even a creak of the floor.

"Go up there and find him." I pointed at the hole and my cousin simply shook his head, fear written all over his face. "We killed all of them, just go up there." I pointed up at the entrance, but as soon as I did, my brother fell in. "Damn you're clumsy. Get up." I kicked his side, but he didn't move. "This isn't funny Kit. Get up." I growled lowly and kicked him again.

When I kicked him, he rolled over and I wish he didn't.

His throat was slit from one end to the other.

"Surprise bitch. It's Couch Guy! Couch Guy for the win!" Someone yelled from outside of the bunker.

"Go get him." I pointed up at the entrance as I looked away from my brother. Oh well, he was an idiot anyways.

"Nu uh, nope. That ain't happening to my throat." My cousin shook his head. I wish I remembered his name.

"You pledged into my mafia, and you haven't killed a single man. Who the fuck are you?" I snapped at my cousin before looking back up at the entrance.

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