Elena's eyes darted back and forth from the ring to his eyes.  She nodded despite being unable to get her mouth to work.  Her nods got more and more vigorous until she was finally able to give her answer,

"Yes!"  She shouted as she pushed herself onto her knees and threw her arms around his neck.

Harry pulled away to press his mouth to hers, reaching up to dry her happy tears with his thumbs.

Her whole body was shaking. 

Harry pushed the ring onto her finger,

"I love you." 

Elena stared down at the ring.  She'd never given much thought to marriage, but she couldn't deny her first instinct had been to immediately say yes when Harry asked.  Marrying him was a no brainer.

Harry kissed the side of her head as he, too, watched the ring sparkle on her finger,

"Right where it belongs."


Elena and Harry spent the morning wrapped in each other, shifting into the shower where Elena kept her eyes on the ring more than anything else.  Harry set to sliding the soap over her back as he smiled,

"Is it weird to be jealous of a ring?"  He contemplated out loud.

Elena blinked back the tears that had been threatening to come out as she stared down at the glittery piece of jewelry now on her most important finger,

"It's so pretty."  She whispered.

Harry kissed her bare shoulder,

"Second prettiest thing in this shower."

Elena cuddled into him when she felt his arms wind around her waist and his palms spread out on her tummy,

"I didn't know it was possible to be this happy."

"Me either."  He said into her ear, his voice low, "But you have that effect on me."

Elena turned her head so her eyes met his.  She rested her hand against his cheek,

"No one will ever make me feel the way you do."  She said with such conviction it took Harry's breath away.

His only response was to capture her mouth with his for a long kiss. 

When he finally pulled away, he met her gaze for a beat before lifting his lips to her forehead,

"We should probably get out of here.  Start telling the importants all about this little development."

Elena nodded,

"The importants..." 

Her eyes met his again,

"Gemma first."  They said together.

Elena was just about to sit down to relax when she heard Harry's front door slam.  The next thing she heard was Harry yell "JESUS CHRIST!" from the kitchen and then Gemma sing her way into the house. 

Elena giggled to herself.  She couldn't wait to become a part of this crazy ass family. 

Gemma sailed into the room, dropped her bag on the floor, peeled her jacket off to let it drop onto her bag and then plopped on the couch next to Elena,

"Hello, Love."  She greeted.

Elena smiled,

"Hi Gem."

"Christ Gemma, you shake the whole house when you slam that door."  Harry swore as he emerged from the hallway pulling his t-shirt down.  He gestured to her pile of belongings on the floor, "Think you could try not to destroy my house while you're here?"

Forever You - Evening the Score // Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now