(Pt. 46) No More Black Mailing?

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"That's brave of you to black mail a family member. If you have a problem for now on you fix it with me. I'm the leader not Yugyeom"

Mr.Im just laugh then smirk at his son who is sitting in front of his office desk.

"Well I would but I know you wouldn't care plus Yugyeom still works under me even if his your right hand, Jaebum"

"Well not anymore. I made Yugyeom quit his job with you and now his under me, I also made Jackson do the same thing. I don't have to worry about Jinyoung, his already my lawyer not yours. So I will say this once so you better listen Dad"

Jaebum is now standing and leaning a bit more closer to his father who now loses his smirk and had a serious face on

"If you ever dare to mess with my group, my family, my friends. I promise you I will find you and I won't hesitate to kill you, father or not"

With that Jaebum left the room leaving Mr.Im alone to think about how he was going to fix Jaebum's arranged marriage

When Jaebum walked out of the building he was greeted by Jackson and Yugyeom

"Why are you guys here?"

Jackson hits Yugyeom's side telling him to do it

"Umm I-I'm sorry about you know. The n-night I lash out to you and Mark hyung"

Jaebum gave a small smile and put his arms on Yugyeom's and Jackson's shoulder

"Don't worry about it kid and since you guys are here why not have something to eat with me"

"What about Mark" Jackson ask

"Don't worry about him, Mark texted me saying that his out with Jinyoung and BamBam something about a bestfriend day out"

Just as they were about to get inside Jackson's car, Yugyeom phone rang and it was from BamBam.

Jackson signal him to put it on speaker

(Yugyeom, BamBam, Jaebum and Jackson)

Hey Babe what's up?

Nothing much just that me, Mark hyung and Jinyoung hyung is having a day out together

And? What's the problem?

Well.. We can't have a day out without Youngjae, it just doesn't feel right

Get to the point

Argh your so annoying one of the reason why I hate you, anyway Youngjae agree with going out  with us but he doesn't want Sihoo to be alone in his house doing nothing

So.. You want us to do what?

You guys are together right now so why not bring Sihoo with you

No thanks I still hate him for kidnapping Mark

But Jinyoung hyung told me he agreed to hide you guys from Mr.Tuan and even apologized


I'm fine with it if Jaebum hyung ok with it

Yeah got to agree with Yugyeom. I don't want any tension while going out


BamBam you there?

Oh yeah just had a little chat with Youngjae hyung and Mark hyung

Is Mark there? Tell him that I say to be careful

I just did and he told me to tell you to let Sihoo go with you guys for the day or ... he will ignore you forever like literally forever, his being serious right now


He also said that it's just for the day plus Sihoo is his older brother and your his step brother, you like it or not you guys are blood related

.... fine....

Great!! Sihoo is at Youngjae's house so go pick him up and we will go on with our bestfriend day out. Bye Yugyeom

Bye Babe

Hey tell Jinyoung I said "Hey"

Yugyeom ended the call and looked at Jaebum who is glaring at the floor, Jackson was doing the same just waiting for Jaebum's words. Jaebum let out a huge breath and looked at the two

"What are we waiting for? We got to pick up the kidnapper"

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