Chapter 13: Love Affections

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All the members are doing some stretching exercise to start their practice, (name) was done doing the hamstring exercise and decided to start the practice.

"Yo (name)" she looks at the person it was Shirou "Hi Shirou-kun, is there anything you need from me?" "I was going to ask you if it is okay to you to be my practice partner?" (name) nods "Sure." They decided that Shirou will steal the ball, if (name) got through him that means he lost and if Shirou steals the ball from her then he won "Ready, Shirou-kun?" "Ready!"

The practice starts, Shirou dashed towards to (name) to steal the ball as for (name) she was trying to avoid to let him get it as she did like ice skate motion and got through Shirou. He couldn't believe that she passed through him "Nice job, Shirou-kun" (name) gave him thumbs up with a smile.

He smiles back "It is okay for a rematch?" "Sure! You want to get stronger right? I'll help you." They start practice Shirou tried his best to steal the ball but (name) passed through him with the same ice skating motion, they rematches again and again but Shirou couldn't get it. They sat down to ground panting tiredly "One more time..." He said still not going to give up.

"We'll continue this later, for now let's take a break."

"Okay, (name)-chan."

(name) stands up and went over to Anna and Tsukushi as they smile at her nicely "You're here for some water bottles and towels, right?" (name) nods then made a two sign "2 please? One for me and one for Shirou-kun. Also a paper and a pencil" Anna gives her the stuff she needs and (name) went back to Shirou.


He takes the water bottle and towel "Thank you, (name)-chan" "You're welcome."

(name) laid down to the ground to relax as Shirou spoke to her "Hey, (name)-chan? How did you do those movements?" "You mean the ice skating motion?" Shirou nods to her. "Every Defender are like that, I can easily read your moves. As for the Forwards or either the Midfielders, the Defenders should read the movements of the enemies before they do the first move."

Shirou looks down "So you're saying that I have to react quickly with a little haste?" She nods, (name) placed the paper on the ground and began to draw something as Shirou looks at it "To be honest, I want to help you to make a new Hissatsu for the match" he was shock hearing it but happy too "So, what move should I do?"

(name) thought for a second and draws something with a element combination of Ice and Wind then shows it to Shirou "How about this?" He nods at her, (name) dribbles the ball towards to Shirou tried to swirl, it was part of the Hissatsu however he fell to the ground. (name) lends a hand to him he gladly takes it to stand up as they start their practice and make a new Hissatsu for Shirou.

It was lunch time, Yoshihiro sat next to Kidou along with Gouenji and Endou talking about some strategies in their first match against Korea, (name) sat alone eating her lunch while watching at the TV.

"It is okay if I sit next you?"

She heard someone spoke to her it was Hiroto "Sure" he sit next to her "So uh... Is your practice with that Fubuki Shirou guy is done?" (name) shook her head "No, we're not done plus I was helping him to do a new Hissatsu for him." Hiroto taps his fingers on the table feeling a little annoyed at Shirou "After lunch you'll help him again, right?" Hiroto asks her "No, he told me that he can do it on his own, and he doesn't want to bother me because Shirou-kun told me to practice hard."

Hiroto smirks secretly "Hey can you meet me outside the campground after you're done eating?" (name) was confused on what Hiroto is planning but she is his friend, it might be important or something "Okay...?"

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