Chapter 10: Repent Promises

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No One's POV

(name) stays at the hospital due to the sudden accident yesterday. Inakuni Raimon, Seishou Gakuen, Hakuren, and Eisei Gakuen sometime visit her after hearing the incident of Kiyosumi Gakuen the one who always visit her is Gouenji, Kidou, Endou, and Kazemaru.

She sometimes talks to them shortly which is fine they will accept it even she's in that situation. Haizaki reached at (name)'s room, he was afraid and knows that she won't talk to him but he really needs to see (name). He opens the door seeing (name) sat up on the bed the curtains were close, he grabs a chair to sit near to her "Hey, are you doing fine?" She didn't answer him just like he thought "I know that you won't talk to me, I just want to see that you're okay and I'm glad see you doing well."

Haizaki looks down at his hands "Akane responds to me sometimes, I think the real her is coming back. I thought that I want to let you see her, but it might bother you" (name) did a faint smile then becomes emotionless so Haizaki couldn't see it. Haizaki stands up "I'll be leaving now and visit Akane, I hope you'll be able to back the way you were supposed to be... I promise I will settle everything right"

Once Haizaki left a roll of tear went down on (name)'s chin as she wipes it.

'I hope so too, Haizaki...'

(A/N: she didn't heard what Haizaki uttered words)

2 hours passed nothing still change there is only silence on the room she heard the door slides open it was Inamori Asuto "Hi (lastname)-san" he greeted her nicely (name) was going to greet him back but she shuts her mouth, he sit at the chair that was near the bed "Haizaki told me everything, the incident about you, him, and Nosaka."

(name) nods as Inamori continue on what he is saying "Haizaki said that Nosaka called you his insignicant friend and I know it will hurt you, but I came here for comfort not hurting you" Inamori stands up and hugs (name) it did surprised her, however she did not show it. Inamori place his other hand on her head to pull her closer and show how he cares for her.

"(lastname)-san, our final match will be Outei Tsukinomiya, I promise I will make your wish... No, the former Raimon's wish. I swear we'll win this match for all of you."

Inamori was going to leave the room until "Good... Luck..." He looks back to (name) he thought she won't speak to him or anyone except for her friends but he was wrong, Inamori gave her a smile "Thanks (lastname)-san, and there's something you should know about Nosaka," (name) listens to him as Inamori takes a deep breath "Nosaka was diagnosed by a brain tumor, this will be his last play against us" he left the room.

It shocks (name) she thought why Nosaka is keeping this a secret from anyone he needs some surgery but he still keep going to achieve his goals. Someone came in the room, it was Nishikage Seiya "Sorry for bothering you. It is okay to have a chat with you for a while?" She nods as Nishikage stands there in the wall while his arms are cross and for some reason he looks irritated and stress.

"Do you know Nosaka-san's condition, right?" She nods again he takes out a paper then give it to her and (name) writes on what she is going to say then shows it to Nishikage.

'Yeah, a friend of mine from Inakuni Raimon told me... I'm very worried about Nosaka-kun's state now.'

Nishikage agrees with her "He needs some surgery but... He still wants to continue his goals, and I want to follow the road that he goes. But hearing about his condition, I feel like I'm losing hope for it" (name) saw him clenched his hands into a fist and felt bad for Nishikage, she began to write again.

'You really admire Nosaka-kun, right? Don't lose hope yet, Nishikage-kun. This is the last play of you with Nosaka-kun, so do you're very best playing soccer with him. Enjoy your time together with him and don't waste it, because you have each other for a long time and this is the last biggest challenge.'

Nishikage was touched by her words then chuckles "Now I see why Nosaka-san loves you," (name) looks at him with question mark on her head as Nishikage continues his words with a smile "You're so special to anyone that admires and cares for you, that's why Nosaka-san is there for you."

(name) was so confused why is Nosaka is with her? She doesn't remember that Nosaka is with her side every day, she writes again and shows it to Nishikage.

'What do you mean by that?'

"Yesterday at 6 pm; Nosaka-san visits you again I was curious so I follow him. I watch how he takes good care to you, he even decided to have a overnight here and he left so early before you notice that he stays with you. He will always be there with you if something happened to you."

It makes her shock that Nosaka takes good care of her, after all the things she said to him Nosaka still didn't leave her. Nishikage starts to leave the room "I'll be going now, take some rest, (lastname)" "Nishikage-kun," he stops his tracks as he looks at her "Please look after Nosaka-kun for me, and tell him that I'm sorry for all the things I said"

Nishikage nods to her "I hope we can be good friends, (lastname). And please don't tell this to Nosaka-san" "We will be good friends and I promise that I won't tell him about this."

It was 6:07 pm, (name) was on her thoughts about what happen earlier. Someone came in the room as she looks at the person "Good evening, (name)-chan" she looks at the other side to avoid his gaze on her remembering his condition worriedly "You won't see anything if the curtains are closed."

Nosaka walks over where (name) gaze is; he opens the curtains showing the beautiful stars twinkling in the sky's view "I bought some food for you. I don't know if you like it, but I hope it would be okay" he takes out the bento with tonkatsu from his bag, "Here, (name)-chan" he lifts up the spoon to her as (name) turn her head at left side not wanting Nosaka to feed her. Nosaka frowns "(name)-chan, I know that you're still mad at me. Please eat it."

'No... I'm not mad at you, Nosaka-kun... I'm just... Worried...'

Nosaka lifts up the spoon to her again "Please, (name)-chan?" (name) had no choice, Nosaka will be gone in few days if she keep doing that she will regret it forever for not forgiving him. (name) ate it as Nosaka continues to feed her, he held the glass of water to let (name) drink it "Do need anything else?"

She shook her head "Well, I have to go now, (name)-chan" before Nosaka could leave the room (name) tugs on his shirt behind, he looks at her "(name)-chan?" "...n't le...e m..." He saw her tear drops as Nosaka cups her face then wipes her tears "What did you say, (name)-chan?" She bit her lips not wanting to say it but she really have to do it "Don't leave me..."

Nosaka was shock for short time he smiles hearing her voice once again, he hugs her letting (name)'s head on his chest while his hand is on her head like Nosaka was giving her a massage that will make (name) sleep (name) have fallen asleep thanks to Nosaka before he could laid her down to the bed she spoke on her dream "Don't die, Nosaka-kun..."

Nosaka frowns that (name) knows his condition from someone; he ruffles her head gently to make sure that (name) won't have another nightmare again.

"Don't worry, (name)-chan... Once my last match against Raimon, I will make your wish come to reality and I'll settle this right..."

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