Silent Obvservation

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After lamenting the presence of humans in this world-- I assumed it was another world--, I started to observe them. I began watching from the outside, and I came to the conclusion that this was a metropolis, or as metropolis-like a medieval city can be. However, it had a definite edge, which was surrounded by thick forest. About fifty meters of grassland separated the forest from the human settlement, which was quite small in all honesty, contrasting most main cities in my home world.

The city was quite basic. By that, I mean it was organised in a very simplistic fashion. From observing the sun for a day, tracking its movements, I got a grip for what was North, East, etc. Well, what was north and east for my world. It was a circle. In the middle of the circle was a very tall castle, with towers spiralling up, and two identical towers were remarkably taller than the others, with a tiled, pointy roofs, four windows near the top of each, and windows going down in circles, as if following a staircase. From the castle went four main roads, cutting through each area to the edge of town to the five meter high wall surrounding the city. The roads then followed the wall around the city. There was a gate at the end of each road.

The city was a seaside city, with a port to which the east wall extended and surrounded, leaving two gates to come in and go out. This made the otherwise perfect circle into something a bit... less circular, for lack of a better word. However, it looked quite recently built, as if the reigning monarch only just had the idea to have it built. Perhaps it was a new ruler, or maybe a new kingdom.

In the south were the poorer houses, more robust, but were still confortable looking, and fairly good compared to some houses I've seen in other cities in my world. In the north were the rich houses, for the rich people, built by the poor people I presume. In the east were the middle class houses. It was where all those who were neither poor nor rich went. And finally, in the east, was the market area, where all the merchants lived and set up shop.

However, this place had some special buildings. It had a church, a monastery, what looked like a wizards tower, a big tavern, a marketplace, a hospital, a lighthouse, barracks, a mill (due to a river passing through the city, not affecting the roads thanks to the invention of the bridge), a reception hall, a smithy, a building which looked like a guild hall, and, surprisingly, a school.

The west road was by far the biggest and most impressive, presumably the one by which all special guests were escorted and where all parades were hosted, if they even existed yet. It had the largest and most impressive gate, and the road went further than the rest, going into the fields and grasslands in which all the farmers lived and worked.

This looked like a fairly prosperous city. I hated it.

In the tower the closest to me, I saw the absolute bl**dy stereotype of a princess! A light coloured dress, makeup, a handkerchief, white gloves, and a f*cking tiara! A tiara for sh*t's sake! She was sitting, or standing, I couldn't tell from here, in front of her window facing me, looking around at her future kingdom. She had a slight smile on her face and was generally looking happy about the world... f*cking naïve tw*t! Well, it must feel brilliant knowing that in twenty years, the world is not going to be heating up and killing everyone due to global warming! Or that the world's leader are s*dding p*llocks who aren't capable of getting along with each other for one second, and who might even blow each other up for nothing! Or that she has a chance to be remembered, unlike any poor s*d who lives in the poorer district!
She also looks like an optimist... f*cking optimists...

In the other tower was what looked like another princess, who was trying to look a bit more boyish. She was wearing a white t-shirt equivalent and some baggy trousers with a patch. I guess she was the other stereotype then... you know... the type that's got everything in the world and still isn't happy, so she needs to go out and be "adventurous"... I just... I don't get it... I just don't... yes, I get it's about freedom, and youthfulness, but I don't care about those... I stopped caring about a lot of things when I had my "awakening"...

Now, you must understand that when I say "awakening", I'm taking the p*ss. I making fun of all those people who say they've "been awakened/enlightened to the way of god/the true spirit/etc." You know... those people. My awakening is the acceptance that the world is going to sh*t, that even if the planet were to disappear, no one would care, and that if I were to die, if I were to kill myself, I would barely get the front headline. Instead, a picture of a celebrity chipping a nail would. And to top it all off, I know exactly when I'm going to go insane and either go on a murderous rampage, or go catatonic! And that's when my grandparents, my cats, and my parents die. Fun times!

Oh, how I hate the human race...

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