Chapter 14: Ways to Die

Start from the beginning

"Yes, I would." Serenity said and looked at Francesco. Going along with the flow and she smiled at him. "Thank you, Love, for helping me on the side of the road."

Francesco couldn't believe what he was seeing he watched as Ryo zipped tied Serenity hands separately to each arm of the chair. She was far across the room from Francesco and kept a smile on her face.

"What made you come here?" Ryo said crouching in front of her.

"Find my iPhone, but in all seriousness. I knew you were looking for me since I am the last bloodline in my family. My father put your father in jail and my head has been on the chopping board ever since that day."

"You seem like you have a heart of gold, so I'll give you the choice of how you die," Ryo said lifting her chin to look at him. Francesco's heart felt like it was about to jump out of his chest. She couldn't be serious right now! She was going to sacrifice herself for HIM?! Leave him alone on this earth?! Hell No!

'Baby, Please don't do this to me!' Tears threaten to come out his eyes. The love of his life about to die. He started to become angry and irritated. Serenity looked passed Ryo and saw how Francesco was about to unravel. She knew his emotions would get them both in trouble. Francesco stared at her and shook his head 'No.' Slowly. He still kept that emotionless face but tears were burning his eyes.

"Love, you should close your eyes. This could be bloody." Serenity called to him.

Ryo turned to look at Francesco and Francesco looked back at him.

"Do you call everyone 'Love' Serenity?" Ryo asked

"Yes, I love everyone so I call everyone Love. Except you who are about to kill me."

"That's quite alright," Ryo said pushing a piece of hair behind her ear. "Heart of Gold indeed."

"You were talking to me about my options?" Serenity directed Ryo's attention back to her.

"Yes, since you are being so civilized about your death figured to give you some," Ryo said. "This is something that is personal for the both of us. Your father put my father in jail and I should be the one to end your life."

"One offspring killing off another." Serenity said and chuckled.

"It's just the way that it has to be," Ryo said. "You haven't been trouble for my uncle and me if anything you have been pleasant. You haven't come looking for us and looking for revenge just been living your life. Yet, he feels threatened by your presence and when he is uneasy so am I."

"Just you and your uncle?" Serenity asked.

"The rest of our family has disowned us," Ryo said. "He is the only person that I have." Then he thought and looked at her and wondered. "Do you have anyone that you care about Serenity?"

"No, all the people that cared for me died. I'm tired of being alone and would be like to be with them. So, we are helping each other." Serenity told him. Ryo looked down at her in disbelief.

"I guess we are," Ryo this was just all too real to him. Her words made him feel guilt which was un-natural it was making him uneasy. "Have you gotten to do everything you wanted."

"No, but that's quite alright. What's the point if you are not happy?" Serenity said. Francesco couldn't believe what he heard. She was lying to him she cared about a lot of people but herself. She was even comforting Ryo the person who was about to kill her.

"You are a beautiful woman Serenity," Ryo said caressing her chin. "I can't believe you aren't married."

Francesco blacked out, his pupils dilated becoming in large. He was trying to wait for Ricci and Lester and the others but he could only hold on so much. He was growing impatient.

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