Chapter 18: Trouble in Serenity

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If you couldn't take care of Iana what makes you think you can take care of her? The monster's voice was deep and it made Francesco's skin crawl

"Who's saying that?!" Francesco heard her voice coming from all directions.

She is as pure as an angel and she agreed to marry a demon.

"She belonged to me from the beginning!" Francesco said still not knowing where the voice was coming from.

Does she know how many lives you took after she went into the hospital? Does she know that you couldn't keep your dick in your pants? Huh, Francesco?! Couldn't keep your urges to yourself!

"Leave me alone!" He yelled. "I was drunk it was an accident! I was drowning in guilt!"

You've been a naughty boy, Francesco. Wouldn't it be sad if she was to leave you...

"She isn't going anywhere!" Francesco continued.

How could you break her heart? After she trusted you? The monster's voice started to have a mixture of her voice and Serenity's voice. Then he saw Serenity's face in tears.

He tried to grab for her but she ran away.

"Serenity please," Francesco tried to run but suddenly the black void grew hands and was holding him back. "SERENITY!"

Francesco woke up in cold sweat this had been a recurring dream he had, causing Serenity to wake up.

"Is everything okay?" Serenity said sitting up to rub his back and console him. His skin felt so hot and sweaty. Then he turned back to look at her with tears in his eyes.

"Serenity," Francesco ran his fingers through his hair and laid her back down gently. "I love you so much."

"Is something wrong," Serenity looked at him in concern. "Something is bothering you."

"Just promise me please," Francesco said nuzzling his face in her neck. "Whatever happens you won't leave me. I can't live without you," He started to lose breath. Oh, God! He couldn't breathe. Serenity had moved out of bed so he had room to breathe. "I just can't, Ren!"

"Francesco," Serenity put both her hands on his face. "Look at me baby," She waited for his eyes to focus on her. He was being so hysterical at this moment and she didn't understand why. He tried to pull her in closer but she stood her ground. "I'm not getting in this bed unless you tell me what the problem is."

Francesco felt his body become calm as she was touching his face. He had to tell her he just had to it was killing him.

"Did you do something wrong? What's eating at you?" Serenity said keeping his focus. "I'm not just your wife Francesco! I'm your friend you can tell me anything before I sign any paper we are going to get one thing straight! We have no secrets between us! How is this going to be for better or for worse if I don't know what's going on? So baby, tell me so we can take our asses back to sleep."

Francesco took a breath and kiss the back of her hand and rubbing the back of it with his thumb.

"I had a guilty dream," Francesco said. "I've been having them for months ever since you were in the hospital. I did something terrible after I made a promise to you..."

"Francesco," Serenity said suddenly then asked slowly. "You slept with another woman didn't you?" Francesco froze in place but the grip on her hand got tighter and his other arm which had snaked around her waist held her too. "Oh, Francesco."

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