Chapter 9: Blood Run

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Francesco went into his office to change suits. He had changed into a midnight blue suit with another black wife beater. He stared at the black pants that he once had on but now where wet because of Serenity . She had came because of him and it was the most beautiful thing he saw. The way she clutched for him for her dear life. Damn he needed her. He picked up the pants and smelled them. He never did that out of all the women he had been with he never smelled them. Yet when he took a whiff of his pants today it smelled heavenly. It came from the woman he loved. Loved? Loved.

He threw them in the dirty clothes hamper in the closet and walked out the room to meet Henry. Once he made it to the conference room Henry sat with his arm bandaged and his jacket on. He was a tough man.

"Can you describe the man to me Henry?" Francesco said looking at his now bandage arm. His blood boiled. Surly anyone that came after anything of his wanted to die. Right?

"Sure," Henry was very good with descriptions. "Even though he had a ski mask on he was white but he made the mistake of having bangs in front of his eyes. He was a blonde man. The gloves he wore had the Italian flag on them." Henry put his hand on his chin. "I was out running a few errands for Serenity. I was picking up a mini fridge for her office and I didn't want her doing the heavy lifting."

"Did you notice anything strange before hand?" Francesco said.

"Well, I always take notice of my surroundings." Herny said. "There wasn't that many people in the line at Walmart. It was one of those dead times. There was this blonde man standing behind me. He looked like he had seen some things just like me. He looked to be about 6'2 and his hair was had a length to go to his shoulders."

"Lester, look at the Walmart cameras between 11:00am to 2:00pm." Francesco said. He watched as Henry gotten the fridge scanned. He had described the man perfectly yet when Lester. Ricci stood in the corner in anger. It was unnatural for him to be angry but when it comes to his friend or family. He could be put in a crazy house.

All of a sudden Jocelyn burst in the room in tears. All the men looked at her especially Ricci who rushed by her side. Jocelyn, full of anger, turned to Francesco.

"What did you do to her?!" Jocelyn yelled. Francesco was confused about what she was talking about. "She didn't respond to me she left in a hurry. She never leaves in a hurry!"

"She left?!" Francesco asked angrily and he walked towards her. "Where is she?!"

"How am I supposed to know. When she gets lost in her head she just goes where ever her mind takes her. Or in this case drive where ever." Jocelyn said.

"Lester, look for her car and stop her. Benton get on the wheel." Francesco pointed. His crew had figure out how to hack car systems and basically ghost drive a car into there will but in this case they needed to stop a car.

"What did you do to her Francesco!?"

"I didn't do anything to her! I didn't hurt her." Francesco grabbed his hair. He had been so selfish. He hadn't regarded how she felt because he was pushing her to accept him. He had freaked her out. He had told her that he didn't want her afraid of him and here he was scaring her.

"We got a hold of her about to hit the kill switch to take control." Lester said. Benton got behind the wheel.

Serenity had to talk to someone. Jules she had to find him before she left Parish. She made it around the corner just a block away from his corner when her car suddenly lost control. Yet, it seemed under control. Her stirring wheel was turning on its own and the pedals under her feet where moving on their own.

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