Chapter 7: Strong Serenity

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18 years ago

It was storming night and the family had a great dinner at the downtown iHop. They were celebrating Serenity's father- John- promotion to Police Chief. He had brought down a sex trafficking ring and was happy that he can bring home the big check to his family. He had his wife beside him. His mother and mother-in-law in the back seat. And his beautiful daughter 9 year old Serenity in the middle. It was sad that she didn't have any siblings or that she didn't have any grandpa's either because they both pass before she was born. Both of her parents were the only children but she did have a play uncle. Hanes Spencer. He was his partner at the station. People called them meat and potatoes.

"Did everyone have fun tonight?"

"Yea daddy. I did." Serenity said. Her grandmothers smiled sweetly down on her.

"You be careful baby it thundering up ahead."

"I got it baby no need."

"Yea! Daddy not goin' to let no thunder stop us from getting home." Serenity said.

"That's right baby!" John said. "I love my baby girl so much."

"I love you too dad." Serenity said. The storm had gotten worse but Serenity wasn't afraid. She felt safe with her family.

All of a sudden the front two tires went out.

"What the hell?!" John yelled. He tried stirring the car in but he lost control. Some one had put spikes down on the road.

Kelly lit his cigar and laughed at the fact that the pig- Who put his brother in jail -thought he could live his life. He would kill of his blood line if he had two. He did his research and followed him for months. Now, he had finally got him and the rest of his family.

"Come on Ryo, lets get you home. Your mother is probably worried about you." Kelly reached for his 10 year old nephew hand.

"Uncle, did we do a bad thing?" Ryo asked.

"We got payback for your father." Kelly said. "Now no more questions."

"Mommy! Daddy!" Serenity called out to them but no answer. She saw a shard of glass stuck in her mother's throat. Her dad's head stuck in the windshield and he wasn't breathing. She felt on her face it was wet and wasn't her own. She looked at her hands and blood was on them.

"Grandma Julie, Grandma Hannah!" She called out for them too but the sides of the car were smushed in. Crushing them to death.

She screamed for help. Yet the only thing that answered back was lighting and thunder. She screamed back at it but it got stronger and intenser. She screamed but no one came. After a while people came and pried the doors open to the car. Policemen and firemen tending to her. She was left with no injuries though.

She wouldn't stay still. She was trying to hide from the thunder and lighting. She had no one at all the save her any more.

Hanes back at the station heard the news. His best-friend was gone. They put him under witness protection but now he was focus on one thing now. Finding the son of a bitches who did this to him. And Serenity! His beautiful god daughter! It was too late they stuck her in foster homes.

Serenity made it to her first foster home that night. Her eyes looked dead and her voice was gone from all the screaming.

"Well brat this is your room." her foster mother told her. "No complaints."

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