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Dedicated to ShannonKittyLover Thanks for all your support!

Year of the Bougainvillea
Frigid Season
The Palace


I AM SO EXCITED. Today, I'm expecting mother and father's visit as well as Mavli's. It's been ages since I saw them.

Throwing off my blanket, I jump off the bed and to my feet. A shiver runs down my spine the second my feet touches the cold ground. I slip my feet into slippers and huff out a breath which floats as a thick cloud of fog in front of my face.

I'm not surprised to see that Kyan isn't on the bed, he has always been an early riser. I'm sure he is already getting the orchard ready for my parents' arrival breakfast. Rosa had been instructed to make sure a feast is prepared for the event.

The ban against transportation between Kintil and Altsas had just recently been lifted. I am glad that the two kingdoms have finally been able to reach an agreement.

A soft cooing makes my eyes flicker to the bed. A soft bundle writhes and kicks on the bed. "Darling," I croon gathering my bundle of joy in my arms and placing a light kiss on her small forehead, "good morning. How did you sleep? Did you have pleasant dreams?"

Irisa coos in response.

The door opens suddenly startling both Irisa and I.

"Alysia!" Lysia calls out with a small run towards me.

"Slow down, Lysia," I scold softly, "you should know better than running like that especially since you are in your third trimester."

Lysia titters and rubs her bulging stomach sheepishly, "I know Alysia, Orissa is fine," she says referring to her child. She keeps insisting that it must be a girl so Irisa will have a sister. "But I really have to tell you something serious," she adds.

"And what is it?" I ask with a raise of my brow.

Lysia bites her lip with a begrudging expression. "I don't think the outdoor breakfast for your parents will be a success."

"And why is that?"

She nods towards the window and I turn my gaze out through the window. Cold brittle wind starts to pick up and blows mercilessly making trees bend and leaves rustle and whistle. It's the frigid season which means that frequent rains and cold treacherous winds will be nothing strange but today seemed promising.

Lysia takes Irisa from me and holds her lovingly in her arms. "We can just take the breakfast feast inside, Alysia," she suggests.

I shake my head. I'll like my parents to sit by the side of the river and under the sky than under lit chandeliers. "This is the first time my parents are coming to visit, Lysia. Mavli too. I want it to be special, you know."

Lysia nods in understanding. "So, what are you going to do?"

A small smile stretches across my lips. " The story of me making it rain in the Torrid is not just a story, Lysia."

Her eyes grow huge and her mouth forms a perfect O. "You want to stop the rain in the Frigid Season?"

I have no idea how I'm going to pull it off but I am determined to do it. I quickly take a bath and bath Irisa too then, I dress up in a lacy aqua-blue dress that sweeps the floors and Rosa dresses Irisa in a matching dress.

"Rosa, has the feast been prepared?" I ask while choosing diamond dangling earrings to go with my dress.

"Yes, your highness," she replies.

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