40. The Swim (1)

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Year of the Roses
Floral Season


LYSIA COMES BUSTLING THROUGH the door with a grin plastered on her face. Curious to know what has enthralled her, I place the comb I was using to untangle my locks on the dress, I jerk to my feet and spin on my feels to face her.

"You won't believe what is going on, Alysia,"  she gushes smile unwavering. She giggles and grabs my finger and starts spinning under our linked fingers.

I blink. Lysia has never been this perky and boisterous before. Something really good must have happened.

Her happiness is contagious and I catch myself smiling with her.

"Can you just tell me what this is about, Lysia?" I ask amid giggles.

"Well, we are having a party tonight."Her eyes lit up with euphoria.

"Another one?" I ask. How often do these Royals throw parties?

"Not a dance silly," Lysia leans forward like she wants to share a secret," my father is planning a surprise party for Aunt Alira's birthday today!" She squeals and twirls around in pirouettes, her dress fans out around her thighs.

"Well, it is not a secret anymore is it?" Her excessive display of happiness is amusing.

She shushes me, pressing her finger to her lips and her eyes dart around like the Duchess maybe lurking somewhere in the room. I clamp my mouth shut and nod in exaggeration humouring her.

"She doesn't know about it and she won't. Not till sundown at least," she discloses.

It's almost sundown, an hour or so to go.

"I have already picked out a befitting dress and I'll help you pick one too," she offers and makes a beeline for the closet. She halts by the dresser and her eyes linger on the ornate ceramic vase which holds the flowers. There are twelve days to go before the wedding ceremony. I don't have time, I need to get out of here and fast. But I haven't found the perfect opportunity yet.

"Lovely flowers," she comments and fingers a delicate petal. It is already wilting and not as fresh anymore.

"Thanks. They aren't fresh anymore though. Kyan gave them to me," I say.

"That's... Good. He really likes you." She breaths through stiff lips muttering to herself rather than to me.

"You think?" I don't think he likes me. He said it himself that he doesn't want this as much as I do. He probably wants to be polite, the flowers and bracelets are a way of obeying his father.

"Yes." She grabs my hand scrutinising the bracelet, "you didn't tell me about it. I noticed it yesterday but I was waiting for you to tell me."

"Oh." I can see the disappointment clearly marring her face. "I didn't think."

She shakes her head, "don't bother. The bracelet is beautiful, it suits you."

Her compliment causes my cheeks to grow warm and my heart to flutter like the wings of a hummingbird. She looks pensive as she considers the dresses in the closet. "Why don't I give you one of mine instead?"

"Er... I'll just wear one of the kaftans. I feel more comfortable in them."

"No. You need a dress. This is the Duchess' birthday!" She pulls out a dress with full tulle skirt and long sleeves, "don't you like it?"

I roll my eyes, there is no talking to Lysia once she has made up her mind. She giggles obvious to the fact that she has won. She lays it out on the bed and turns to face me. "Now for the jewellery," she tilts her head from side to side while rubbing her chin thoughtfully. I'm sure she is considering what colour of gem will suit my complexion better.

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