41. The Swim (2)

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41. The Swim(2)

Year of the Roses
Floral Season
The Orchard, River


MY BREATH HITCHES AND MY HEART THUMPS painfully. Kyan has been underwater for a while now and he is not coming up. Frantically, I pull off my sandals and run into the water, hitching up the skirt of my dress. Seeing there is no point since water splashes up the entire length of my legs, I let the dress capsize.

I push through until I am waist deep in the water. I don't realize that I'm crying until a tear drops into the river causing ripples.


He isn't drowning at all. He rises out of the water like a god and ire grips what is left of my weeping heart. "You!" I spit out with fury and relief rolled into one.

Kyan throws back his head laughing loudly, his shoulders shudder and his chest heaves. He wipes his eyes will the heel of his palms and gives me a mocking smirk. "You are quite caring, aren't you?"

I bite my lip to prevent a spill of curses and insult. Instead, I spin around and begin my journey back to shore. His wet hand grabs me and I tug hard for my release.

"You are already in the water!" He says. "Just stay."

"No," I hiss.

"I'm sorry, Alysia."

I freeze. My heart is still beating frantically but for a different reason. "You are drunk!"

His expression turns sour. "No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"Why do you say so?" He grabs my other hand too making the bracelet press into my wrist.

"Because... This laughing, swimming, joking Kyan isn't you," I say quickly before I can stop myself.

His eyes harden and he drops my hands suddenly like I have burnt him. I'm both relieved and hurt.

"You don't know me then," he whispers. "You can go." He turns his back to me and begins to swim away.

The skirt of my dress is drenched and heavy, pulling me down. "I'm not going anywhere."

"You better go," he growls. "Or I'll make you."

I cross my arms across my chest in a show of defiance. "You better get ready then." I have no idea on what I'm doing or why I'm doing it.

Kyan remains still, staring off at nowhere and completely ignoring me. Sighing, I let my arms drop and I start to draw circles on the water. I get bored of it quickly and result into something else. I close my eyes and envision the ripples, opening my eyes I'm met with such an extraordinary sight; ripples grow from nothing and expand quickly reaching the ends of the river.

Giggling, I let my concentration deepen. The sound of water lapping against my arms makes me open my eyes.

"Alysia." I hear Kyan gasp. He stares at me wide-eyed at the fast growing but small waves that slap against me repeatedly.

"Kyan". A huge wave grows from under him, he yells as it pushes him downstream and I throw my head back in a fit of laughter.

"Nicely done, Alysia."  In no time, he is next to me. I'm impressed at his swimming skills.

"Thanks."  And the ripples continue, growing from nothing and swallowing up the whole river.

"This... This is beautiful. I'm in awe." He sprays his fingers out trying to follow the ripples. "It's amazing what you can do."

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