28. The Dance

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28. The Dance

Year of the Roses
Floral Season
Lysia's bedroom


IT'S MIDNIGHT. I can already hear  the hum of the happy crowd from the hall many floors beneath my bedroom. Rosa has managed to coax me into an ecru gown made out of satin. The hems are blood red and Rosa has fastened a matching blood red veil to my hair.

"What's the point?"'I moan. Rosa gives me a puzzled look. "What's the point of the kohl to line my eyes and the henna on my skin?"

Rosa stares at me with something like pity in her eyes," Lysia-"

I caught in immediately to stop her. "No one will ever want me, Rosa. I know my parents organize these dances every new year and every other festival in hopes I might get wedded but there is no point-"

"Lysia!" She sounds shocked and outraged at the same time and her eyes stare at me like orbs.

"It's a waste of time," I spit not minding the look Rosa is giving me. "No Prince will want me, Rosa not even a commoner would!" My eyes begin to sting and burn with salty tears.

Rosa gathers me in her arms and hugs me into her bossom. I sniff and do nothing to stifle my sobs. "I love him, Rosa. I want to be with him tonight. He is the only person who wants me. Some day, I'll run away with him."

"Stop talking gibberish," Rosa scolds me softly. "You are truly beautiful, Lysia even if you don't think so,"she sighs. "Our deal still stands. I don't think I can keep you away from him no matter how much I try."

I give her a weak, watery smile and wipe my fallen tears with the back of my hand.

A soft knock makes me twirl to the door and Alysia steps in. She locks eyes with me probably thinking how unattractive and plain I am before sinking into a low bow.

I gasp and walk to her. Holding her by her hand, I make her stand up. She doesn't shudder or flinch at my touch.

"Please don't curtsey to me, Alysia." She blinks at the sound of her name. "You are now a sister to me." Since she is my brother's bethroded, I have no choice but to accept her.

"I'm honoured to meet you, Princess," her voice is thick and raspy somewhat sore. I can only imagine what she had passed through. "The Duchess told me to come here and ask for Rosa," her eyes rests on Rosa, "she wants you to help me dress up for the dance. That is if you don't mind."

"Of course not, dear,"Rosa coos. "Come here."

Alysia walks to the dresser and Rosa gestures for her to sit. Alysia gives me an uncertain look clearly asking for my permission.

"Go ahead," I say with a slight smile.

She sits on the chair but sits on the edge as if she is expecting the chair to bite her. Rosa looses her braids and finger combs them. "You have such lovely hair, Alysia."

Alysia beams rather shyly and looks anywhere but the mirror or Rosa. "Thank you."

There is something hard in my throat, I can't speak or swallow. I turn away and admire the silky curtains of my bed.

"How will you like to wear your hair? In braids?" I hear Rosa ask. I don't hear Alysia's reply. I sit on my bed and wait for Rosa to be done with Alysia. I'll need her escort to the dance even if I know she can't enter the hall but I'll like her to walk me down the dreadful hallways and down the swirling staircases.

"Duchess Alira asked me to give this to..." The prim voice trails off. The maid sees me and bows in a very low curtsey," your highness."

I nod at her and watch her walk over to the dresser and hands over the delicate lacy dress to Rosa.

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