Chapter 21

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The last hard thrust makes me scream harder the last. I finally give up and release onto Raven's hand. Once she exist me I relax back on the bed. My lungs are on fire, every part of my body hurts beyond the point of known pain. I'm not healed yet, its only been a week since my fight in the arena. Raven didn't care though, she just wanted to be in me and satisfy her need for me.

"You taste... exquisite." I say nothing, Raven strokes my back. She runs her finger carefully over my right wing. It feels like she's tracing an R. The nightmare that I had comes back to me and I quickly turn on my back. Raven giggles then straddles my waist.

"I love watching you quake under my touch." I say nothing again then look away from her. Raven grabs my jaw and makes me look at her.

"What's wrong with you?" I stare deeply into her eyes.

"Why were you tracing an R on my wing?" Raven looks blankly at me then a smirk crosses her lips.

"Just... practicing, now what's wrong with you? You... weren't enjoying. You were just screaming in pain. Why?" I glare at her then shake my head.

"I'm already hurt stupid. Fucking me only makes it wor-" Raven lashes out and grabs my tongue. She pulls on it and I whimper.

"You've been talking to me like I'm a slave lately. Allow me to remind you who owns who in this relationship. I own you, your blood and body is my property. I will do with you as I please. Don't think that I won't dispose of you on the spot. You've seen me do it before to others, I can and will do it to you too." Raven lets go of my tongue. I say nothing for a while then I put my foot down. I can say this cause I know this information.

"You're bluffing. You can beat me and torture me all you want, but you and I both know that you won't kill me." Raven smirks smugly.

"Oh yeah? Why do you say that?" Should I say it? She could beat the living hell out of me then I won't be able to see Isabelle. I haven't seen her since I got injured... I'm going to have to say it. I have to say it.

"I'm your heart. You love me. It would kill you to kill me. You wouldn't know what to do with yourself if you killed me. The only thing you could do is get drunk and torture the other angels. And at night you will cry endlessly and hold the pillow where my head was. You know it's true. You love me too much to end me. Why don't you admit it." Raven's eyes grew wide. All she did was stare down at me, slowly the anger started to rise in her.

With a lightning strike she punched me right in my stomach. I gasp in pain. Raven keeps hitting me, punch after punch sends crumbling waves of pain through my body. When she sees that I've had enough she finally stops.

"I don't know where you got that from, but it doesn't matter. You will learn again what your place is around here." Raven dismounts me then grabs my ankle. She drags me out the bed then we teleport to her special room for me. It's the torture room. I have experienced all types of horror in this room and I'm about to experience more.

"Soleil... you beautiful fool." Raven chuckles before kicking me in my ribs. I gasp and start panting for air. She drags me to some shackles and puts them on me. Not only did she shackle my arms and legs, she shackles my neck too. I can't move at all. Raven stands in front of me with a smug look on her face.

"You should learn to keep your mouth shut. Because you can't be a good girl for me you going to have to learn to keep your mouth shut through pain." I scowl at her, Raven slaps me hard across my face. Blood spills out my mouth. The right side of my face has been hit so much and so bad, my eye has swollen shut. I can't open it at all. Through my still open eye I can see Raven getting a carving knife and a lemon.

"No! Raven please don't do that!" Raven chuckles and makes her way to me.

"I'll stop... as long as you don't scream." I beg for her not to do it, all my pleading falls on deaf ears. The knife gleamed in the dim light as it slowly cut through my flesh. Tears start to swell in my eyes as the lemon juice makes contact with the deep cut. I scream in agony. Raven only laughs and continues. Time seemed like it had frozen when Raven started torturing me. Eventually I blacked out from the pain. It was too much for me, I couldn't hold on. The pain stopped, all was peaceful, I was gone.


Both of my eyes open. The right eye is still pretty bad but I can open it a little. Then a muffled voice is calling me. The steady beep of something rings in my ears, and something is on my face.

"Soleil can you hear me? Can you hear me Soleil?" I look over and see a angel in a nurses outfit. She looks at me and I guess she is checking me. I guess I'm in a hospital. My vision is still blury but I can see Raven sitting in the corner. She stands up and comes over to the bed side.

"Will she be alright?" The nurse nods.

"That run in with those light angels did her in. You got her to us just in time to save her. If she hadn't gotten away from them my queen she would be dead. She will be here for a while, I'm guessing on her feet maybe next week. For now she just needs to rest and heal herself." Raven looks down at me and strokes my hair.

"Sleep Soleil. When your all better, it will be time for you to get back to your mission." Raven leans down to my ear, "And I expect it to be done to perfection. If not I will show no mercy on you." She looks back up at the nurse then back to me. She kisses my head and leaves the room. Food was brought to me later. I had to be fed because I was so weak. Raven killed me, but she let someone help me.

More than anything that proves that I'm of value to her. I am her heart, she loves me. She really does love me. That only makes things worse for me. She was tracing her mark on my wing. I think I've figured it out. She wants me to kill Isabelle so the prophesy won't come true and for good measure she wants to bond with me. That would be the only way to make me stay.

I would need her like she's crack. I wouldn't be able to function, wouldn't be able to do anything without her... Raven should have bonded with me long time ago. If she had done it before she sent me after Isabelle, another big mistake on Raven's part. My love for Izzy is much greater than my fear for Raven.

No amount of torture Raven could ever put on me will make me stop loving Isabelle. Maybe it's time to leave. I think It's time for me to leave the dark realm for good. The abuse, the lies, and all the pain have taken their toll on me. Soon as I am better I will leave and just be a rouge angel. It has never been attempted before, but I will be fine. I can live at the Oasis, and visit Iz all I want.

After I'm settled in I'll continue surveillance on father, then I'll take Isabelle up to her mother and hopefully I'll be given refuge there. The future is not certain for me now, but the only sure thing I can see is Isabelle and I cozy in bed. I can see it now like a prophesy, I can see it. Iz is snuggled up on my chest, and on her wing an S. Just being able to imagine that gives me more reason to get up and go back to her. That's all the reason I'll ever need to get up each morning.

A/N: Hey guys! Just wanted to get this chapter in before school starts for me. Hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later. Comment Vote Peace :)

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