Chapter 7

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The morning couldn't come any quicker for me. Soon as the sun came into my window I jumped up from my bed and rushed down the hallway to the bathroom. I quickly striped of my pajamas and got in the shower. Soleil was all I dreamt about last night, but it wasn't a good dream it wasn't bad either. It was very weird. I heard a woman's voice telling me to run away from Soleil, but Soleil just kept holding me in her arms. Then the woman came out, and it was my mother. And she had beautiful and large white wings. I kept telling Soleil to let me go, but she refused, then big and pitch black wings came out her back.

I was screaming for my mother to help me she only told me I have to help myself and get away from Soleil before its too late. I couldn't respond fast enough before Soleil flew up into the sky then plummeted down into a fiery hole in the ground. The fire felt so real and then there was another woman that Soleil offered me to. The only thing I can remember about this woman was her scary green eyes. Just thinking about it made my heart jump in my chest.

There is no way any of that can be true though. It was just a very weird dream, but it was still good because my heavenly Soleil was in it. I feel safer knowing that I have her around even if its in a dream. Still there is something off and cold about her. I have always had a chill going up and down my spine anytime she walked pass me before we started going out. But now it feels colder and my whole back starts to shiver and itch as if something wants to burst out.

It is very weird but I'm sure its all okay. When I'm done with my shower and I put on my clothes I head down stairs for breakfast. When I pass Daddy's office I hear an unfamiliar voice. I don't ever ease drop but I feel like I have to this time. This voice sounded so familiar and so comforting. I just had to hear.

"Are you sure they have found her?" The woman's voice said to my daddy.

"Yes, they have found her. Soleil has gotten to her, I can see it in her eyes. Just like you said I could." Daddy sighs and I think he sat down in his big chair. The clicking of heels on the floor was the only sound for a while.

"Nick, I have to take her with me now. You have done a great job with her, but for her own safety she has to come with me."

"Eve please, let me just have this last few months with her." The heels stop their clicking for a brief moment.

"Can you tell how much she has been influenced?" The woman ask.

"It doesn't look heavily, but it is there. Eve can't you do something about that girl? Get rid of her if you must, but please I can protect Isabelle here. You can tell Dove and Angelina to move in with us. Please just let her stay with me." What does Dove, Angelina, Soleil, or me got to do with this?! What are they talking about in there?

"Nicky baby, I know you love Isabelle with all your heart, I do too. But you will have to let go of her soon enough. Now that Raven has found her she will not stop until she is out of the picture. And poor Soleil has been so corrupted by Raven she barely has a mind of her own, but there is some good in this."

"What is the good in our daughter being hunted down like an animal?" Our daughter? Is this woman my mom?

"Soleil has imprinted on her, and so has Isabelle. They have no clue what the emotion is, but I could smell it on Isabelle when she was dreaming about Soleil. The emotion is love Nick. That is why Soleil won't do it. That would tear her to shreds. Don't you see what is happening? Its the prophesy. It is the two of them it was talking about. Raven will be no match for them soon as Isabelle is 18." What does she mean tear her to shreds? And what in the fuck is this prophesy she is talking about? I have a good mind to barge in there right now.

Dark Angel (GirlxGirl)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora