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bambam had texted jackson to ask if he and mark would go over to their apartment so they could talk. he was glad they agreed to do it tuesday because he wasn't canceling his plans with yugyeom for people who weren't even talking to him.

bambam didn't know if they were actually mad at him for something he didn't know. but they seemed calm as they walked in and bambam was relieved.

they sat on the couch and he sat on the chair in their living room. bambam tapped on the arm of the chair nervously. he didn't evem know what to say.

"are you guys mad at me for something? cause like the other day when i picked you guys up everything was fine until we got back here and you didn't even acknowledge me."

"bam, i'm really sorry. i didn't even realize i was ignoring you until you left and then i felt bad and thought you were probably mad at me. i felt so dumb. it was like i realized you had talked to me after you left. and i know you were really excited about going on a date with yugyeom. i'm so sorry. i think the only thing in my head was mark once we got home."

"so you're not mad at me?" bambam asked softly, looking at his best friend with doe eyes. bambam face made jackson feel 10x worse for ignoring the boy.

"no. now come here." bambam squeezed between jackson and mark who happily embraced the younger, making him smile and giggle.

"so how did your date with yugyeom go?" bambam smiled at mark's question and was excited to talk about yugyeom.

"it was great. he took me to an art museum and on the way back we got mcdonald's. he's so sweet. we held hands. i really like him, you guys." bambam laid his head on mark's shoulder. he couldn't wipe the smile off his face thinking about yugyeom.

"so are you having another date?"

"yeah. tomorrow. i'm planning it."

"what are you going to do?" the three were like teenage girls and they loved it. bambam told him about his plan and what he wanted to do. they loved it and jackson even hit mark's arm for not planning something so cute for their second date.

bambam and mark left to go to the store while jackson stayed at the apartment to clean it a bit.

"we should get two so you guys can both have one once your done. do you want to get thr same kind?" mark asked as they flipped through the pages.

"no because it would get boring. but yea we should get two."

"oo you definitely need to get this one." bambam nodded and grabbed it while mark kept looking. bambam was happy to have such supportive friends. they were always there for him.

"so you guys will need condoms. what size dick doe-"

"mark! we won't need condoms," bambam whisper yelled so the entire store didn't hear what mark was saying.

"fine. if you need one, you know where they are in jackson's room."

"mark," bambam whined, stomping his feet. mark laughed at the boy and ruffled his hair.

"i'm just kidding. let's go before you buy the entire store." they paid for all the stuff. mark helped a little bit because some of the stuff was his idea to get.

bambam couldn't help but kept smiling as they walked out to mark's car. everytime he looked down at the bags on his hands, his smile just got bigger. he really hoped that yugyeom would like his plan.

"i'm happy for you, bam. yugyeom seems really sweet. but you know if anything happens, you can always come to me and jackson and we'll take care of it." bambam nodded because he knew mark was being genuine. "but i have a good feeling about yugyeom."

"me too."

mark was very happy for bambam. he hadn't dated anyone since moving to korea. he had mark and jackson but they were really his only friends because it was hard for him to meet people. he was a great people person, especially at work. but he never really became friends with anyone.

but it seemed like he connected with yugyeom very quickly and easily. it seemed like a good sign.

"what time is yugyeom coming over tomorrow?" jackson asked when his boyfriend and best friend got back.

"he said he's free after 6. so maybe 6:30? i'm not sure. i'll text him later so i know he's not busy. i don't want to bother him while he's at work."

"you improve a lot since friday, chin-mae. good job. i'm proud of you," yugyeom said to one of his dance students once their class was over. it was his latest class for kids whose parents couldn't take them earlier due to work or school.

"thank you, mr. kim. i practiced at home a lot this weekend."

"i can tell. make sure you drink some water, okay?" the boy nodded and waddled over to his mom who was holding his water bottle.

yugyeom smiled as he walked over to the parents. he liked to talk to them and ask if they had any concerns about anything. he knew most of them by now from how often he saw them. except for one of his students wasn't with his mom but with who seemed to be a teenage girl.

"that's my dance teacher, mr. kim," he told the girl who nodded. she wasn't paying much attention to the boy as much as she was staring at yugyeom who had began speaking to a mother.

"chan-woo, who's this?" he asked after walking over to to him once he'd finished his previous conversation.

"this is my big sister, chan-ri. she's picking me up today."

"nice to meet you, i'm kim yugyeom, chan-woo's dance teacher."

"nice to meet you," she said, sticking her hand out. yugyeom shook it polietly.

"your little brother is a really good dancer. you should be proud of him." chan-woo smiled at the praise from his great dance teacher. yugyeom smiled down at him, patting the young boy's shoulder.

"well he seems like he has a great teacher. he thinks your amazing and talks about you alot. and i get it too, so would i."

"i have to go, but i'll see you tomorrow, chan-woo. nice to meet you, chan-ri."

"i'm picking you up again tomorrow," chan-ri mumbled to her brother but her eyes didn't leave yugyeom as he walked over to someone else.

yugyeom didn't go home once all his students left. he decided to do a freestyle video. it didn't take him long but he didn't leave to go back to his apartment until almost 10.

he checked his phone as he left the studio and smiled when he saw a text from bambam asking what time he could pick him up for their date tomorrow.

instead of texting bambam back, yugyeom called him not knowing that he once again sitting between jackson and mark who the moment they saw yugyeom's name pop up told bambam he to put it on speaker phone.

"okay, but you have to shut up." bambam answered the phone and put it on speaker phone. "hey, yugyeom."

"hey, bam. i just got your text. i'll probably leave the studio around 6 so 6:45 to 7."

"okay. are you just leave the studio now?"

"yeah. i walked today and i kind of regret it cause it's cold. i need go buy a new coat."

"i can come pick you up," bambam immediately offered.

"it's okay, bambam. it's not that far. thank you, though. have you talked to jackson and mark?"

"yeah. we're okay again." their conversation went on. mark and jackson left the room to let bambam talk to yugyeom. even from just hearing a small portion of their conversation, they liked yugyeom. he seemed to care about bambam.

perfect // yugbamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora