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yugyeom had never been happier than when one more package found his way outside of apartment again. it seemed weird for there to be another one and he knew it. but he had no other reason to talk to bambam.

he saw that it actually said bambam on it instead of jackson like the last ones. he didn't really think about it because he was just really hoping that it would be bambam who answered so he could ask if he wanted to hang out.

he knocked on the door, his foot tapping because he was so nervous.

bambam opened the door, smiling when he saw yugyeom. "hi!" yugyeom was almost relieved that it was bambam and not jackson. he didn't really care about seeing jackson. it wasn't that jackson wasn't really nice but he didn't think he was as near as beautiful as bambam.

"hi. it looks like your mail came to my apartment." yugyeom had to stop himself from smiling so he didn't seem crazy during a casual conversation about mail.

"oh really? thanks for bringing it over." bambam grabbed the box from yugyeom and held it under his arm. "um do you want to hang out? i'm watching a show and was wondering if you wanted to watch it with me?"

"oh sure. yeah. i'd love to. how about i come back over once i shower and change?"

"okay." bambam smiled. "wear pajamas."

yugyeom smiled and nodded before turning to walk back to his own apartment. he started jumping up and down once he got into his apartment and shut the door.

he didn't think he'd ever taken a quickly shower. he panicked as he tried to find good pajamas to wear that he wouldn't look ridiculous in. he ended up in a pair of blue adidas sweatpants and a white t shirt. he made sure he was ready and he had his phone before leaving his apartment.

he knocked on the apartment door which didn't take long to be opened. he smiled when he saw bambam's smile.

"hi! come in!" yugyeom looked at bambam's outfit as he walked in. he was in a matching pajama set and yugyeom was certain no one would ever look cuter in a pajama set. "you can sit on the couch. do you want anything to drink? i have water and i can steal some of jackson's green tea if you want me to."

"water if fine." yugyeom said as he sat on the couch covered in blankets that surrounded him even though the couch itself already felt like a cloud.

bambam left and quickly came back with a cup of water in his hand. he handed it to yugyeom and sat down next to him.

"so we don't have a tv but i have my laptop. and it's a thai show. are you okay watching with subtitles?"

"yeah that's fine. i usually watch stuff with subtitles anyway."

"and it's gay. i should of said that before. you said you aren't homophobic so i... i don't know. i should of asked if you're okay with that. if you're not it's okay we can watch something else."

"i'm completely okay with it being gay."

"are you sure? you don't just have to say that." bambam knew a lot of people in korea probably wouldn't like watching a show featuring many gay couples and wanted to make sure it was okay with yugyeom.

"bambam, i'm gay. i'm sure it's okay. let's watch it." yugyeom had no clue where the confidence to tell bambam that came from but he was glad it happened. he didn't have to make a big deal out of it and could just mention it.

bambam pulled up the show as yugyeom waited, satisfied that he told bambam he's gay but it also reminded him that he didn't even know if bambam was gay.

he pushed the thought out of his head and decided to just enjoy the moment.

"i haven't watched it yet but my sister said it's really cute and that her and her boyfriend both like it so i figured it's really good since she has really good taste in shows and stuff."

the more bambam spoke, the more yugyeom realized how cute his voice was. he wanted to listen to him forever.

bambam sat his laptop on the ottoman right in front of them, pulled it as close as possible, and hit play. he made sure that korean subtitles were on for yugyeom before sitting back make sure yugyeom could see and to sit comfortablely.

half way through the second 40 minute episode, jackson walked into the apartment. he thought bambam would be sitting in the living room, playing video games or watching something by himself but was pleasantly surprised to see that bambam was with yugyeom.

"hi, yugyeom," jackson said as if it was normal. yugyeom liked how casual it felt. he wanted it to be normal. that's something he wanted in his future. "what are you guys watching?"

"that show i was telling you that baby recommended." jackson nodded as he started to walk into his room.

"i'll be gone soon. i just need to grab some stuff. i'm going to stay at mark's the next few days," he shouted so he could be heard from his room.

it wasn't until jackson walked back out that he realized bambam and yugyeom were sharing a blanket and sitting very close. "you two look comfortable."

"the apartment is cold." bambam for some reason felt the need to justify why they were so close. he didn't even know why. he knew jackson didn't even mean much about he said. he didn't want yugyeom to be uncomfortable about what jackson said either.

"i'll see you in a few days. i'll probably be at mark's until sunday." jackson gave bambam and yugyeom both fist bumps before he left the apartment.

bambam hit play on the laptop again and they watched the 20 minutes left of the episode. bambam was engrossed in the show. he loved it. and the fact that he thought the main guy was really cute helped.

"so what do you think about it?" bambam asked after he turned to face yugyeom.

"i really like it. it's so cute." yugyeom loved the show. he wished there were korean shows like that one with gay couples. he had only seen one with a hinted at gay couple but this thai show had almsot only gay couples.

"who's your favorite character? mine is ae. he's really cute and really sweet with pete

"i like pond even though he's kind of annoying. and can is cute. he reminds me of a younger brother type of kid. this is a really good show. i wish there was shows like this in korea."

"there are a few really good say thai shows. it would be cool if there was korean ones too. but i kind of like watching thai ones better because korean ones probably wouldn't have thai subtitles."

"you're thai?" yugyeom knew he was foreign. based on his looks and his slight accent when he talked. not all the time but when he got excited when he was talking about ae or before when he was nervous about the show they were going to watch.

"yeah. i moved here 2 years ago. i'm better at speaking korean than understanding so i still need subtitles to watch stuff."

"so is it weird to watch it in thai with korean subtitles?"

"it should be helping me learn korean but i kind of just ignore it." yugyeom's heart fluttered as bambam laughed. he couldn't stand how cute the sound was. he wished he could tell bambam but that would be weird. they barely knew each other. "it's getting late. if you want to go back to your apartment you can. well you could of at anytime. i wasn't forcing you to stay here."

yugyeom laughed. "well i don't have work tomorrow and i usually got to bed pretty late anyway. have you eaten? we can go get some food?"

"sure! let me go get changed really quickly." bambam got up and went to another room. yugyeom patiently waited, grabbing his phone from his pocket to see he had a few texts from his friends.

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