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the cafe wasn't far from the apartment building. jinyoung and youngjae were already there, being cute and holding hands. they had given up on caring about what people thought about them.

"i love you," jinyoung said, lifting youngjae's hand to his mouth to kiss it. he had yet to realize that yugyeom and bambam were there. he very rarely acted like that with yugyeom around. he didn't want to make him uncomfortable even though he would be fine.

youngjae's head dipped down. they couldn't see his face but they heard him say it back.

yugyeom finally started to walk closer. he almost felt bad for ruining their moment but he knew how soft jinyoung was for youngjae and that it happened all the time.

he sat down next to jinyoung making him scoot over. youngjae moved over on his own and gestured to tell bambam he could sit next to him.

"you guys are cute together," bambam told them. they were still holding hands on top of the table. jinyoung squeezed youngjae's hand as the younger blushed but still smile and said thank you.

"you and yugyeom would be really cute together," jinyoung said, making yugyeom punch his thigh. jinyoung thought it was worth it.

"we're going on a date tomorrow," he said proudly. he wanted to ruin jinyoung's happiness because he thought he embarrassed him. yugyeom had his jinyoung because he didn't want bambam to be uncomfortable with what he said. "i asked him earlier."

"really?!" youngjae asked excitedly. yugyeom nodded and bambam tried to hide his smile. "aww i'm so happy for you guys."

yugyeom finally went up ordered his and bambam's drink. he went back to the table and set bambam's drink down in front of him.

"how much was it?" bambam asked, pulling his wallet out to pay yugyeom back. jinyoung knew how this was going to go. yugyeom barley cared about money when it came to small things like coffee and food. even clothes. he had three incomes. he wasn't worried about a coffee. he also just wanted to spoil bambam.

"doesn't matter." yugyeom sat down and took a drink of his coffee, pushing bambam's closer to him.

bambam pouted. he didn't want to make a big deal out of it front of yugyeom's friends but he also didn't want them to think he was using yugyeom for his money.

so he pulled out the average amount for his coffee from other places and slid it under yugyeom's phone that was sitting on the table.

he smiled and finally started drinking his coffee. that's when yugyeom pushed the money back to bambam. he knew he wouldn't drink it without paying him back so he pretended he didn't notice until he finally drank it.

"yugyeom," bambam whined. "let me pay you back. yuggie."

jinyoung contained a laugh when yugyeom's eyes widened and he stopped breathing for a second. yugyeom snapped back to real life and grabbed half the money bambam had given him and handed it to bambam.

"i'll keep half of it." bambam nodded since he knew that was the best he could do. he took the money and put it back in his wallet.

yugyeom couldn't believe bambam had called hin yuggie and he had to pretend that he didn't want to give him the entire would right there.

jinyoung knew that anyone who called yugyeom, yuggie had him wrapped around their finger. and it was obvious with bambam.

the four hung out for over half and hour. yugyeom and bambam left first.

"hey, are you sure you're okay? you seemed upset when i picked you up and you looked distracted."

"it's just- i was really excited to tell jackson and mark about our date tomorrow and they just ignored me. and they know it bothers me. and they still ignored me after i left hanging out with you to pick up jackson when all that happened was that mark sprained his ankle again."

"i'm sorry." yugyeom reached down and grabbed bambam's hand. "do you have any reason why you think they would ignore you."

"no. it's like we got home and they just ignore me even though i was sitting right next to them."

"maybe they just needed time to themselves, you know? i'm sure they didn't want to make you upset. but if you don't want to go back to your apartment, you can stay at mine for a bit until you think they're out of the living room."

the only reasons yugyeom didn't stay he could stay over for the night was because he didn't want to offer something that bambam may think would be to far and because bambam had work so it might be difficult.

"can i? i know it's dumb but-"

yugyeom shook his head and cut bambam off, "it's not dumb. yes, you can. i don't want you to be upset. you will have to talk to them eventually though. if you don't want to tonight i understand."

"thank you, yugs."

"do you want some comfy clothes? you can borrow some of mine," yugyeom said as he turned his bedroom light on. he had let go of bambam's hand to open his apartment door and wished he didn't have to.

before bambam said anything yugyeom was handing him some clothes.

"you can put them on in the bathroom." bambam nodded and blushed as he walked to the bathroom. he didnt take long to get changed but he also used thr restroom.

when he walked out, yugyeom was sitting on his bed without a shirt on. he had one in his hand but he was talking to someone on the phone.

"i'm hanging out with a friend, mom... his name is bambam... yes, that's his name... he's nice, mom... i love you. i'll talk to you later."

yugyeom looked up once he hung up and realized bambam was out of the bathroom. "oh sorry."

he put his shirt on and brushed his hand through his hair. bambam thought yugyeom had a nice body. he had a light line out of abs. he wasn't as skinny as bambam. not that bambam knew many people as skinny as him.

yugyeom pat his bed because he was pretty sure bambam wouldn't just sit there on his own.

"what time is it?" bambam asked. yugyeom showed him the phone which bambam appreciated because sometimes he didn't always know time in korean. it getting a bit late.

"are you hungry. i can make ramen. i need to go to the store so i don't have much."

"um sure. ramen is good."

"great. i haven't eaten since breakfast."

"you should eat more. it's past nine," bambam said. yugyeom smiled because bambam cared about him. he cared that he hadn't eaten since breakfast.

"have you eaten anything else?" yugyeom hoped he did. bambam was so tiny, yugyeom thought he might waste away with three full meals a day.

bambam didn't answer because it was obvious yugyeom wanted him to of eaten. but bambam didn't really eat a lot. he just didn't have the appetite to.

"you're tall, you need to eat more than i do."

they ate together. bambam checked the time once he had washed his and yugyeom's bowls which yugyeom fought with him about since it wasn't his apartment.

"they should be in jackson's bedroom now. thank you for letting me stay. i should get changed and go back."

"you can keep the clothes. there's no point in you changing into your clothes just to go back to your apartment and change again. and i know where to find you if i suddenly need my clothes back."

bambam nodded and went to collect his things.

"i'll see you tomorrow at 7, okay?" yugyeom asked as they stood in front of his front door. bambam nodded before giving yugyeom a quick hug. yugyeom waited until bambam got into his apartment just incase he couldn't. but he successfully got in.

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