T W E N T Y - O N E

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We ended up in Mystic Falls. Uncle Niklaus has an idea on how to help Hope. My dad's job was to distract her and make sure she didn't tire herself out too much because she was dying.

Of course, my father might have been the last person to help with this, since Hope still harbored a hatred for him.

I, on the other hand, went to pay a few of the residents of Mystic Falls a visit.

I ended up at the Salvatore residence, home to Damon and Elena Gilbert-Salvatore. I knocked on the door, and a short haired version of a woman I used to know opened it. She looked at me with a puzzled look.

"Hi, how can I help you?" she asked.

She even sounded exactly like her.

"I'm Lilah Desmarais," I said. "I need to talk to you and Damon."

She opened the door a little more to show Damon walking down the hallway.

"Hey, she's one of Care's students," he said, recognizing me from the Salvatore School. "Leila right?"

"Lilah," I corrected him, and Elena let me in.

"What're you doing here?" he asked.

I walked over and grabbed his face. Elena lunged towards me, but I already started the compulsion.

"You will forget that I asked you to forget about me," I said.

I watched as his face contorted into confusion, then into realization. Elena watched with a worried glance. I let go of Damon's face and stepped back.

"Lilah?" he asked, his voice a whisper as he looked at me. "You-I knew you. From... from a really long time ago."

"The roaring twenties, what a time, eh, Damon?" I asked, taking a seat on their couch.

"Can someone explain to me who this woman is?" Elena asked, still looking at me skeptically.

"Stefan's epic love before you. Even before Rebekah, actually," Damon said.

"Stefan's what?" 

We all turned around to see Caroline standing there, holding a pan of what looked like chicken pot pie, oven mitts on her hands as she stared at me.

"Lilah?" she asked, seeming even more confused than before. 

"Ms. Forbes... hi," I said awkwardly, waving at her. "It's been a while."

"Yeah, last time I saw you, um... I gave you and Hope permission to sneak out of the Salvatore School... and then..."

"Aunt Hayley died," I finished for her, and she nodded.

"So, what's this about you knowing Stefan?" she asked, a hint of leftover heartache in her tone.

I just stared at her. I was ready to talk to Damon about everything, but Stefan's wife? I wasn't sure about that. So, Damon spoke up for me.

"Caroline, meet Lilah Desmarais. She was in Chicago with Stefan back when he was running around with Klaus. Then, she disappeared on him on Halloween night, and came back to compel ol' Stef and I to forget about her. But, now she's back, letting the truth come undone, and I have no idea why," he said, his usual Damon amount of stress in his voice.

"I ended up telling my family who I was," I said, knowing I was being vague. I liked a good build up. "And I thought, why leave any loose ends?"

Caroline walked out to put the pot pie away, before quickly coming back.

"Family?" Damon asked. "Last time we talked, which was like a century ago, thanks for that, Lils, you said your family was all dead."

I nodded, and shrugged. "I wasn't lying. My mother's dead, my grandparents are dead, my father was an undead."

"I'm not too sure I'm following," he said, giving me that classic Damon confused face.

"My name isn't Lilah Desmarais," I said, looking at all of them as I said my next words. "My name is Lilah Mikaelson, and I was Elijah's daughter before the immortal spell. I have the same spell on me, just modified by my great-aunt Dahlia, who made it so that nothing can kill me. Not white oak, not Marcel Gerard."

"Why are you telling us this?" Elena asked.

"It's a little funny," I said, examining her. "You look and sound exactly like someone who used to be my best friend."

"I'm assuming you mean Katherine," she said, disgust in her voice.

A small smile formed on my face, and I nodded. "She wasn't always a bad person, you know. She was once a lot like you, but... my family broke her. But, in the end, Katherine was always my bestest friend. She was the one person, in over a thousand years, I let know I was Elijah's daughter. And even through all the hardships, all the things my family put her through over the years, she kept it a secret. She took it to her grave, and I'm sure no one in Hell knows about it, literally, since she's the queen down there and all. I guess... I just wanted to see you guys."

"See the life you would've had if you didn't leave?" Damon asked.

"The life I would've had if I wasn't so scared of my own family," I nodded. "I left that night because Stefan tried to introduce me to Klaus. And at the time, I was keeping my distance from them. I just thought that, if my family knows now, I might as well give someone an answer for my disappearance. I know it's not much now, considering Stefan's gone and his memories of me are wiped, but you're as close as I can get to mending that."

"I appreciate it," Damon said, sincerity in his tone.

"You certainly didn't peg me as the Mikaelson type," Caroline said. "But I can see the parts of Elijah in you."

"You got a bit of the rest of them in there, as well," Damon said, nodding. 

"C'mon," Caroline said, linking an arm around mine. "Let's get some pot pie and compare Stefan romance stories, shall we?"

I laughed, letting out a sigh of relief that this went by so smoothly.


kinda a filler chapter to tie up the loose ends she had with the salvatores!

SIDE CHARACTER [ 1 ]| THE ORIGINALS & LEGACIESOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora