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I headed to Rousseau's after the mission with Josh and Marcel. For the first time since residing with the Mikaelson family, I felt like I was one of them fully. I was separate from being Hope's biggest confidant, but someone they brought with them when danger lurked.

I liked that. Going out and attempting to kick ass made me think of the past I had, the parts of it I actually enjoyed. The parts of it where I spent years fighting for myself. The same past I hide from the Mikaelson family at all costs. I never wanted them to know who I was.

I walked in to see Elijah sitting at the bar talking to Declan, so I did what I did best, and hid myself. I listened in to their conversation.

"Regret," Elijah said. "I lost so many years with her, and I..."

Before he could finish, Declan added, "You're Lilah's father, aren't you?"

My heartbeat sped up when he said this, and he continued with his evidence, "She has your facial structure, and sometimes, your politeness. She has a locket of you two, haven't seen her wearing it lately."

"I'm not her father," Elijah replied, and I could picture him shaking his head. "Just a father figure."

"Really? You look like her around... well.. the entire face," he said. "I guess I'm just mistaken."

"Back to Hayley," Elijah said. "I just wanted to know about her life without me."

"So you're here to mine my pain for your absolution?" Declan asked. "Do you have any understanding the damage you caused her? And not to mention to sweet little Lilah?"

Oh please, I thought, laughing to myself. Declan, I've been around so long, I was here even before the Salem Witch Trials. I'm not little.

I heard Elijah get up to leave, and I took a peek to see Declan grabbed his arm. He looked at Elijah desperately, hoping the man in front of him would provide the answers he's been wanting to know.

"Her breaks didn't fail, did they?"


"There was no car accident at all."

Elijah shook his head.

"But you know what happened."

Elijah sighed.

"Tell me!" Declan demanded. "Tell me how she died."

"You don't want to know," I said, finally stepping out of my hiding spot in case Elijah said something he shouldn't say.

"I have to know!" Declan barked at me while Elijah looked at the floor once realizing I was present.

Footsteps could be heard, and Hope walked in. "Declan, hey, I need a favor from the bar."

She needs a what from the where? I thought, my protectiveness coming out as I looked at her with confusion on my face.

She glared when she saw Elijah, and said, "What are you doing here? Killing my mom wasn't enough? Now you've come for Declan?"

"Hope!" I said, glaring at her.

"That's not what I'm here for," Elijah said at the same time Declan exclaimed, "He killed her?"

"That's not what happened," Elijah and I said together.

"No, but if you weren't there, she'd still be alive!" Hope said bitterly.

"Hope, enough!" I yelled, getting in between her and Elijah.

She looked in pain, and held her hands to her head and yelled for something to stop.

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