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Hope and I snuck out that night, with the actual permission from Caroline, so I guess it wasn't really sneaking out. With everything that was going on, telling Caroline that I just wanted to sit at the Mystic Grill and get a burger and maybe a milkshake with my best friend made her lenient.

The blonde sighed, and it was funny taking orders from her because, even though she ran the school, I was technically older. It was fine though, because being a sixteen year old forever was nice. 

"Just be back by one, okay?" she said. As we were on our way out, she said, "I'm only allowing this because I remember what it was like to be Hope's age with all this supernatural bullshit getting thrown at me when I didn't want it."

I peered over my shoulder, smiling at her as we left. I had heard stories of what the crew in Mystic Falls had to go through. It pained my heart to know Stefan was gone.

We went into town. We had spent so many days walking these streets. Even though one of the rules was to be careful of the locals. It was easier when they didn't know about it. It was no secret that an employee at the Grill had a thing for Hope, though she refused to see it. He got teased often by the stupid jocks at Mystic Falls High.

As our food got delivered to us via Landon, the brunette with curly hair smiled at us both. He didn't attempt small talk like he usually would, and went on his way to tend to other customers that decided to walk in at almost eleven.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, watching as she repeatedly dabbed a french fry into ketchup, not even attempting to eat it.

"I don't know why my dad won't just let me do the binding spell," she whispered, frustration dripping from her voice.

"Because he knows what it feels like," I reasoned for Klaus. "Because you are his daughter, and watching you get hurt is the last thing he wants."

She sighed, shaking her head. 

"I just... I want my mom," she said, tearing up.

I reached over the table to grab her hand, and when a tear fell from her face, I got up. I stood behind her, hugging her from behind as she sat down. I hated to see her in pain. I watched her grow from a little girl into this teenage with the weight of the world on her shoulders. Kind of like how Davina was when I met her. A little witch with so much power and so much anger. I didn't want to see Hope resent people the way Davina resented many.

"I know," I said to her.

I knew the feeling of yearning for a parent all too well. That was why I went along with her plan to hide Hayley to get Klaus to get home. No girl should have to miss her father. But now everything was even more messed up, and no girl should go through her teenage years without a mother.

Being parentless was one of the cruelest things the world could throw at you. It was the kind of longing that kills without actually relieving you of the pain with something as sweet as death.

I went back into my seat once she calmed down, both of us eating.

"You know," she said, holding the back of her hand in front of her mouth as she talked with food in her mouth. "You never told me much about your past, and we've known each other for about ten years, and you've never told me about your past."

"I'm a vampire, Hope," I said, laughing. "There's too much there to talk about."

"Okay, fine," she said, smirking. "Let's not talk about sad things for a minute and go back to being normal, supernatural, teenage girls and gossip about boys."

She whispered supernatural. There was a devious grin on her face as she got excited.

"What's going on with you and Roman?" she asked, and as I opened my mouth, she pointed a finger at me. "And don't hit me with that 'we're friends', crap, again. You don't look at him like you're just friends. You look at him the way you used to look at Josh before you found out he was gay!"

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