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I looked through my closet for something appropriate to wear. The factions had decided peace for the day, since everyone loved Hayley. We got the second line, and then the funeral with the pack in the bayou tonight. If everything goes as planned, Klaus would be there via astral projection so that the Hallow isn't brought into New Orleans to ruin the ceremony. 

I pulled out a black dress, putting it on. I had ignored Roman's note, but I knew he was out of the city, but definitely somewhere nearby. I was scared of what Klaus might do to him when he was out of mourning, what he might do to Elijah.

I was scared what Hope may do when she gets out of the mourning stage of grief herself, and enter the anger portion. She was a Mikaelson witch in her teenage years. Teenage witches were always the most rebellious, and Mikaelson witches always the most dangerous. 

"The plane will be there to pick you up in half an hour," I heard Klaus say to Freya over the phone. She was sitting in the hallway outside of Hope and I's dorm rooms.

"We'll be ready," Freya told him.

"Did you find a witch to help with our geographical predicament? I cannot miss the second line."

"Vincent asked Ivy to do it."

"Ivy hates me."

I stopped tuning in, not wanting to hear skepticism about whether Klaus would be able to be at Hayley's funeral or not. He would be there, that was all I could believe if I was going to make it through this day properly.


"Klaus did what?" I asked, standing is Rousseau's with Josh as he filled me in on biting Antoinette, hurting Elijah, keeping them in a damn cage.

"Look, I know you got a thing for that girl's brother, bu-" Josh started, and I glared at him.

"Don't go there," I said bitterly. "He's the reason Hayley's gone."

"Where's Marcel and Vincent?" I asked. "We're supposed to be leaving for the second line soon."

"Marcel is doing the same to Klaus as you're asking me," Josh said. "We all know Klaus was wrong."

"Hope is burying her mother today, and this is the day Klaus decides to go and pick a fight with Elijah?"

"And when Greta's vampire's find out Antoinette is dead?"

"Sometimes I wonder how you ever had a crush on me," Josh smirked, defusing the situation quickly.

I glared at him, my arms crossed. I pointed at him and said, "That was foul. We were having a serious conversation here, and you mention something from like, nine years ago."

"I was openly gay back then, too," he said, giving me a 'c'mon, Lilah' face. 

"Well... I didn't know that."

"You'd think for an ancient vampire, your gaydar would work pretty well."

"Stop it!" I laughed. "I get it, I have the worst taste in men!"

"Hey, you got good taste when it came to me."

I grabbed a napkin, crumbling it up, dipping it in the water I had in front of me, and throwing it at him. He dodged the soggy napkin, glaring.

"That was foul," he mocked my words, and I just continued to glare, but we both laughed anyways.


I stood side by side with Hope and Freya as you got ready for the second line.

"Where's Dad?" Hope asked, looking around. She looked like she might have an anxiety attack.

"He'll be here soon," Freya and I both reassured her, though our tones didn't sound reassuring. 

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