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A/N: Does anyone have any suspicions on what any of Lilah's pasts and secrets consist of? I foreshadow one of them m a j o r l y, so can anyone figure it out?


After classes the next day, I was on the phone with Josh as he updated me on what was going on in New Orleans. I walked through the corridors towards my room, talking in whispers even though no one was in the halls with me.

He told me they found the vampire who had taken Hayley, but she wouldn't admit to it. It was Greta, the new vampire who liked to stir up gossip in Rousseau's. I hated her attitude, and usually steered clear of her whenever I came home. I felt stupid that I didn't even consider it being her.

"I'm sorry he almost killed you a few days ago," I told him. "If I had been in town, I would've fought with him."

"Sometimes, it's interesting watching you with the Mikaelsons," Josh said over the phone, and I could imagine his facial expression.

"What do you mean?" I asked, stopping to lean against a wall.

"It's just that you're not a Mikaelson, but they definitely treat you as one. Even more so than they ever treated Marcel. His words, not mine," Josh said, chuckling at the end. "It's nice, to see how they treat you almost the same exact way they treat Hope, just with less: I can't be near you or the darkness will hurt us both."

He had an accent when he said the last part, mimicking Klaus. He even got the monotone voice down, with the hint of emotion.

I laughed as well, and said, "Yeah, sometimes I'm surprised with how much it feels like Always and Forever applies to me."

"It does," Josh reassured me. "But hey, I gotta run. I'll talk to you later, alright?"

"Bye, Josh, stay safe."

I heard him laugh before the call ended.

After I had quickly gotten over my old crush on him, we stayed close. Sometimes whenever Davina was around, the three of us would be off hanging out. That was years ago, though, since she's been away with Kol ever since we defeated the Hollow. Josh and I went on a weekend trip to see them once. Hope was sad, of course, that we couldn't bring her. She was less rebellious then, since she was ten when we went, but she gave Josh and I the silent treatment for a week when we got back.

Sometimes I wonder why I didn't tell them the truth back then. Maybe then the dark magic could have been divided up even more, and being near one another wouldn't do as much damage as it does like whenever Klaus gets too close to Elijah.

It was too late now, anyways.

I opened the door to my dorm room, jumping up startled when I realized there was a person on top of my bed, laying down on top of the comforter. In his hands was the teddy bear Elijah gave me over seven years ago, almost identical to the one Hope was given when she was first born.

He used the arm on the bear to wave at me before setting it down on one of my pillows.

"You should really lock your door," Roman told me. "You know that, right?"

I rolled my eyes, walking into my room and closing the door.

"I did, Roman," I replied.

"Okay," he said. "Well, then next time use a lock I can't pick."

I shook my head at this comment, and he moved so that he was sitting with his legs over the edge of my bed, no longer laying down on it. I set my bag down on the floor near my door, and took my uniform blazer off, throwing it onto my bed.

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