Tenth and Eeventh Visit

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Since our leap into a larger life both of us have been way too busy. Me, looking for and now having a job, him working and trying to balance me, his friends and his work. I feel bad taking up all his days off so I try not to and let every other day off be with his friends or whatever he wants but only getting to see him once a month fucking sucks. We still haven't had sex and as much as I'm alright with taking it slow I feel I've manned up enough to not chicken out this time. It's just a waiting game now.

The tenth visit was enjoyable, we made out a lot but never went further because I was on my monthly bleed. The eleventh visit was about the same. No period and we made out a lot and it was getting heated but my family was in and out and always getting in the way and it just couldn't happen. I don't know, I'm not so much as depressed since life isn't shitting on me that much right now. I have a job I like, a "romance or whatever this is,and despite a shit home life it hasn't gotten in my way in a while. I feel more numb to it all, time passes weirder now. Not so much as faster, but more like it doesn't actually happen until I look out the window and it's night time. I didn't even know it was October until today. Happy Halloween I guess?

I'll try to get him over soon, I have this weekend off but my period is right around the corner so guess I should hold off for another week... wish me luck?

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