Sixth Visit

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Pretty sure we're done. He sure makes it seem that way and I'm not really trying myself. Maybe he doesn't see it this way but I've chased him for years, I've always been the one to talk first, to confess first, to ask him out, to ask him on dates, to kiss, to hang out, and I understand it's hard to ask the person you like things or be romantic with them, it's embarrassing and hard to let yourself be that way without feeling stupid but I've done it enough, why won't you?

What happened, I asked him over since no one was home, he got dropped off and the rest of the visit we watched anything he wanted, I kissed him and tried to hint more but he didn't catch the hints and that was it. I dropped him at home and that's been our last contact since. It's been months since that visit, so he's intentions are pretty clear to me. I'm not done, but I'm not trying anymore either. He will always be my first love, but that's why he's the first, because that means there will be more.

I can't explain the feelings of this moment... Their free, but very thin. I might cry but I also want to take my first deep breath, without him being the reason I'm drawing it.

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