Chapter Seven- Carriage Ride and an Aly

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Chapter Seven

I don't like my designer much.

 Her name is Janelle Ovard. She's a plump woman with an ever present scowl. One side of her head is completley shaved, leaving a patch of lime green curls on the right side. She has a smattering of freckles on her cheeks, but they're so dark I wonder if she drew them on, or if they're tattoos. Her skin has a faint blueish tint, but I can't decide if its natural or dyed. 

Coming to meet her that morning, I had prayed she wouldn't do what the designers always do for our district; cover us in soot to represent coal.

But she does just that. The clothes they put me in, a black t and black pants, don't look much nicer than something you'd find in District 12, but the material is distinctly softer. The stylist put gel in my hair and ruffle it up even more than I thought possible, than force me to let them shave my barley-there stubble.

I'm not one to care about fashion, but this was embarressing.

I met up with the other District Twelve tributes by the carriages. In a few minutes we would be riding them out into the giant outdoor stadium, where would present ourselves to Panem and our leader, President Snow. Valerie looked even more done up than usual, giant fake lashes proturding from her eyes, and her heels are so high she's almost on tiptoes. In short, she looks ridiculous.

She quickly ushers us into the carriages. They're bigger than they usually are, now that they have to fit four of us. Hestia  and Collin go in front since they're shorter, and Maysilee and I position our selves behind them. Her hair is done up in a tight bun, as well as Hestia's. If I take even the slightest step backward, I'll fall off onto the pavement.

"Hold these." Janelle says roughly, handing us fake, plastic miners hats. Her one patch of hair is straightened for the ocasion, but it looks  worse, individual strands falling out of her head.

"Sponsors, kiddies." Yasmyn says.

"Yea, we get it." I shoot back. 

Maysilee gives me an irritated stare.

"What?" I ask. My stomach is churning. I'm not used to being displayed in front of thousands of people like this, and I already don't like it.

"That's the only good piece of advice she's given us," she says, "I want more advice, so don't make her regret giving us that. Please."

I snort. "Do you really think you can win this?"

As soon as I say it I realize how harsh it sounds, and imediatley wish I could take it back. I mean its true, Maysilee doesn't really stand a chance, but she probably didn't need me to tell her.

Her expression doesn't change and she says very calmly, "Well someone has to. I'm sorry I don't want to die."

Collin shifts his feet in front of us, clearly signaling this conversation is making him uncomfortable.

"Look," I say gentley, "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for. I'm just nervous, I don't particularily like being in front of people."

Maysilee suddenly throws her head back and errupts into laughter. I almost jump at the unexpected sound and feel my cheeks go red. Hestia shoots her head around to look back at her, her  auburn hair whipping me in the face. Collin turns around as well, and timidly asks, "What could be so funny?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Maysilee says, grinning from ear to ear, "Its just in 3 days we'll be in an enclosed arena, fighting to the death, and you're nervous now?"

I scowl at her but don't reply. Its not like I'm not nervous for the arena. I'm terrified. But that doesn't do anything to make me feel better about this situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2014 ⏰

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