Chapter Three- Lamb Stew

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Chapter Three-

     Nothing too interesting happens on the train. Most of the time I just stare out the window, wishing the train would turn around and bring us all home. Once in a while I talk to the other tributes, but I dont let myself be too friendly. Killing a tribute's one thing, killing a friend is another.

    Just when I'm about to ask if we're going to get to eat on this thing, Valerie's voice rings out, "Dinner!"

    I can smell something wonderful, and I can hardly keep myself from running to the dining compartment. Fresh, hot food? It seems too good to be true.

    We enter the dining compartement and see laid out on the table, a feast, at least by District 12 standards. A large pot of lamb stew sits in the center of the table, as well as fresh bread, cheese, and a green salad drowned in dressing. 

    I can hardly stop from drooling.

    We take our seats, along with Valerie and Yasmyn Hook.  I'm seated between Maysilee and Yasmyn, and the first thing I notice about the mentor is her strong breath,  which smells like too much perfume. I almost gag.

     "Have you ever seen so much food?" Maysilee says quietly.

    I shake my head, "Not in my life."

    I'm not sure if we're supposed to eat yet or not, and the other tributes seem to be thinking the same thing. Than Valerie says, "Well, dig in!"

    The 14 year old, Hestia, jerks out her hand and grabs the ladel before any of us even have time to move our hand towards it. We all sort of stare at her for a moment. With her small size, I hadn't even begun to think she had a chance. Now I'm not so sure.

    She seems to realise the other tributes are seeing her in a new way, rethinking her posssibility of winning. She awkardly pours some of the lamb soup in her bowl, and puts the ladel back in the pot.

    Maysilee takes the ladel next, and people stop looking at Hestia, which seems to make her relax a little.

    While I wait for Maysilee to pour the soup into her bow I pile fresh bread and cheese on my plate. Fresh bread is a rare thing for me back in District 12, and I dont take it for granted. 

    Maysilee passes me the ladel. I pour the soup in my bowl, and the good smell of the spices in it   imediatley overpowers the stench of Yasmyn Hook's breath. I relax a bit and start to eat.

    Its the best food I've ever had. Back in District 12,  just about all the food was cold and flavourless. But here? Here the food spread warmth through your whole body, and was bursting with flavour at every bite. 

    "So," Yasmyn Hook says, making me jump a bit, "How old are you kiddies?" She looks straight at the other boy tribute, whose name I've learned is Collin, as if signaling for him to start.

    With a huge gulp he swallows his food and says, "Fifteen."

    Yasmyn doesnt say anything in reply, but instead turns her attention to Hestia. "What about you, speedy?"

    She blushes at the nickname. "I'm fourteen."

    Yasmyn makes a sort of tsk tsk noise. "So young." Hestia gives her an annoyed look in return.

    "What about you?" she says, snapping her head in my direction.

    I finish chewing my food, and answer, "Sixteen, why?"

    She pays no attention to my question, but instead turns to Maysilee, who imediatley answers, "Fifteen."

    "Hmmm," Yasmyn says. "At least there are no twelve year olds this year."

    Twelve year-olds or not? I think. Making us kill each other is brutal. I almost say this aloud, but being used to avoiding the subject back home, I keep my mouth shut.

    Yasmyn takes a bite, chews slowly, and says, "One of you may actually have a chance. Then again, name one person besides me from District 12 whoes ever come out of the arena alive?"

    Of course, we cant, because none of them have.

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