Chapter Four- Nightmare

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Chapter Four- Nightmare

        After dinner we're shown our rooms on the train. We'll only have to spend a night in them, since we'll be ariving at the Capitol tomorrow evening, according to Valerie.

    Not even bothering to change, I plop down on the bed and fall to sleep. A sleep full of nightmares.

    Though my surroundings are unclear, I know I'm in the arena. The other tributes from District 12 are with me, as allies. I want to keep moving, but they insist we've outrun the other tributes, and that we should stay here and rest. I dont feel good about it, but for some reason I dont want to leave them.

    Just as I'm about to sit down and take the small piece of beef jerky Hestia's holding out to me, an arrow wizzes by, missing me by about an inch. The others jump up, looks of terror on their faces.

    "Run!" I shout.

    We all bolt, Hestia taking the lead. I can hear the footsteps of an enemy tribute behind us, but I dont dare look back. 

    Untill I hear a scream. I turn around just in time to see Collin fall to the ground, and arrow planted in his neck. But I cant see the tribute who shot him, he or she seems to be invisible.

    I keep running, and hear the cannon fire, signaling his death. Then I feel another arrow, just barely missing me once again. Instead it plants itself in Hestia's small back. She screams and falls at my feet.

    Feeling sick, I jump over her as another cannon fires. It's just me and Maysilee now.

    Then she screams, I turn back, to see her on the ground, dead. Her blonde hair isn't blonde anymore, matted with dirt and blood. The cannon fires.

    I start to mutter like a mad person. "Maysilee. Hestia Collin. Maysilee. Hestia. Collin,"  as if saying their names will bring them back to life. Of course, it doesnt.  Their dead.

    I see a figure step out from behind something...trees maybe. But the tribute is blurry and I cant tell if its a girl or a boy, much less she their face. What I can see though, is them pulling back their arrow, and letting it fly, its sharp metal tip glinting.

    It burries itself right through my heart, and I tumble down among the rest of the District 12 tributes.

    The cannon fires.


Sorry it was a shorter chapter than usual, but I think its the most exciting (even if Haymitch is just dreaming). Thanks for reading, I'll upload a new chapter soon!

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