Chapter 22: Better view

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----------------G'day. If you are reading, I love you. <3 I appreciate constructive criticism, I want to excel!! Comment if you're reading, and I'll give you or your story a shoutout. Enjoii--------------------

Twenty minutes later, we are still trying to figure out how to get out of here.

"I can't fix it!" This from Juicy.

"Then you shouldn't have kicked him into the truck's engine!" This from me. The truck is not working, due to a Hunter sized dent in the engine, causing us to be stranded. I sigh, and slouch a bit. I still feel quite weak from that torture session on the roof of the truck, but I can manage. For the time being.

"Can't you just teleport us or something?" She sighs and shakes her head.

"It's not that easy. We need an environment like what we had at our old hideout. Now we are in the a dust bowl between cities, and I can't get us anywhere." She sounds defeated, and I can't really blame her. She did save us after all. With the Guild and chory of course.

Chory is sulking still, and the Guild are conversing with each other while Juicy and I talk strategy. I lean against the front of the truck with Chory's button down dark green jumper around my shoulders, even though it is considerably nice out.

Chory remains shirtless and unconsciously tanning, while the giggling I hear is presumably coming from the four pervert women. Sigh. Brooding chory is increasingly attractive, which is certainly not helping. I hear a crank, and see Juicy fiddling with engine again to my right. The hood is providing some shade, as it is propped up above our heads. 

"Ugh! Why won't-grunt-it work!" CRANK. I suggested that we go in the van the rest of the GUILD brought, since I do have a brain in my head which allows my eyes to see the perfectly fine vehicle in front of us, but ooooh nooo. Miss stubborn over here wants to play Bob the Builder!

"Let's just take the bloody van!" She slumps tiredly after I make my request, and reluctantly nods.

"Fine. But I tried. We should fit, huh?" She pulls a ribbon from a pocket on her skirt that I failed to see and ties up her dreads.

"Er, I hope so. How many seats are there?" We walk over, and count out eight seats including the diver's and passenger's seats. Good, we've got one to spare then. I am happy to see the driver is on the right, like how I am used to, unlike Juicy's truck. 

"Smashing. Then It'll be just fine.'' She casts me a concerned look.

"Are you sure you're alright? You have been slouching a lot."

Nodding, I clear my throat, making me wince. "It's all good. My throat hurts from screaming and near strangulation, plus my body is weak from physical torture, but it's ok." I shrug nonchalantly. I really wish I could have some tea. I haven't had a cuppa in a long while. And maybe my inhaler. My Asthma isn't serious, much, but all this screaming and struggling for breath is sure to produce an attack sometime. Oh well, I'll tell her later, I haven't had one in ten years at least. 

"Well if you're sure. We need to get going then, I'll decide where we're headed on the where we're headed."

"That's kind of circular reason-" 

"Shut up!" I snicker as she stomps away, knowing what she meant. I walk over to chory as she tells the rest, and frown at his gloom and doom aura.

"C'mon Chory, we are taking the van after all." Getting up from his position on the ground, he takes my hand and we walk back over.

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