Chapter 5: Journey

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Chory then just plopped down on the grass. Like a mushroom. He let out a heavy sigh, and closed his eyes. I sat down gently beside him, wanting to let him have some peace just enjoying the...ground?

I mean, its not like he can enjoy the sun. Its like, really late right now. Most likely since I left my place at midnight. Chory spread his arms out slowly as I looked on curiously, letting his fingers run through the thick green greenery. 

"It has been so long. To say I am content is an understatement." He says, to nobody in particular. I lay back on the ground, and stare at constellations peacefully for what seems like hours. I have never been this happy, or excited in my life. I actually have something in my future to look forward to. I know that sounds weird, considering I have known him for like two hours, tops.

But, hell, with my background, can you really blame me? This is the first time I've had REAL interaction with a decent human being in almost forever. Looks like me and Chory are kind of similar in that aspect.

I suddenly hear Chory breathing deeply, and look over to see him sleeping with a contented smile gracing his features, facing my direction. He had his hand turned upwards on the grass, like he wanted me to take it, in his sleep. Awww, so cute! I slip my hand into his cold palm and shut my eyes. I wonder, though, how can he sleep?

I would be way hyped! Then again, what do I know? The poor bloke's probably having the first peaceful rest in literally who knows how long. I slowly start to drift, thinking about how I'm going to explain the 21'st century to him in the morning. If we can even find our way out of the bloody Narnia we're in! -----------()-_-()-------------

I wake groggily to the feel of someone running their fingers through my hair. Eh? I crack one eye open to see Chory gazing wide eyed at my head, or hair rather, as he runs his long digits through it. OK?

"Er, having fun there? " I ask bemusedly, a smirk forming.

"Were you wary that your hair has tendrils of scarlet? Fascinating! " o.O...OK. Weirdo.

"My mum's Irish, so I got some red in there yeah." I say with an amused smile.

"I was simply bathing in the sunlight when I looked upon your hair and saw such beauty." He says, still fingering the red strands. Alright, it's not THAT nice, geez! Hasn't he ever seen a ginger before?I only have a little red amidst a mass of blond! Boy, will he be in for a shock. I snatch his hand from my hair gently, and use it to pull him up with me as I stand. 

"What say we get started onwards, yeah? We've got quite the trek ahead of us." I suggest, looking at him curiously as he wanders around, dragging me with him by my hand. Why?

I can't help but grin discreetly at his childlike wonder. Well it figures since he's seen the same stones for like, ever. Chory gazes in delight all around him, his face looking lively. I couldn't even tell if we were going in the right direction, and I was pretty sure we were gonna be lost forever. Oh well. 

"Simon, where are we going forth? I simply cannot withstand the waiting of to behold everything and all that is new!" He exclaims excitedly, still dragging a not so graceful me behind him. Meanwhile Chory here just glides along like he's king of the bloomin' world. Tch. Graceful is weird anyway.

"Uh, I dunno where we happen to be, unfortunately." I reply. I feel a little stupid, considering I got lost at my age. I'm about to add more to this statement, when I see movement in the corner of my eye. I look, and I swear I see a figure disappear as soon as my eyes land on the spot. An old figure at that.

Coincidence? I think not. I grab Chory by the elbow and tug him behind a tree with me. Hey, don't judge. I have license to creep when I'm being creeped on myself! Chory gives me a questioning glance, and I put my finger to my lips in 'sshh' gesture.

Of course, he doesn't understand, and simply says, "Why are you giving an intimate pass to your finger?" Insert facepalm here. Epic facepalm, I might add. I heave a sigh and just lean against the tree, giving him a look that I know he won't understand either.

"Oh forget it. I thought I saw someone and I was gonna creep." I say.

"I remain unsure of what you speak of, but--oh my! What sort of insect is this?! " he suddenly says excitedly, and I follow him with my eyes, to see a butterfly on a flower. OK, is that just adorable, or is it too damn adorable? I can't believe he's never seen a butterfly before!

"That's called a butterfly." I say, struggling not to just squeeze his large frame as tight as I can and just go AWWWWWWW!!!!

"Why? Is it made of some sort of butter combined magically with the smaller insect known as fly?" He says, sounding utterly confused. I snort at his clulelessness and smile.

"Not entirely. Nowadays we have conjured some very peculiar names for things." I say, and shoo the butterfly away, warming inside as tears fill his eyes when he watches the yellow and black insect flutter off.

It's my turn to pull him now. We head off in no particular direction, and I begin to explain to him the who's and what's of the here and now as best I can. For a moment I'm thankful for the long journey ahead of us, the ideal setting for the long conversation ahead.

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